what can marijuana cross breed with

- Oh my god........ How uneducated or uninformed are the people who ask questions like this? No offence, but have you ever taken a high school biology course? Cannabis cannot breed with other plants. Only other varieties of cannabis. It cannot stray from it's genus. I question the seriousness of Zekes post, I think he was joking. Zeke, If you really did cross weed with a pussy-willow it would be the botanical breakthrough of the century.

- I've seen several posts on this topic on here lately, and honestly, even though that sounds like an advanced topic to you, It shows such a lack of fundamental understanding that it should be posted somewhere other than the "advanced growing" section. Perhaps in the newbie area would be more appropriate.

- Also... Lavender is just another strain. It is apparently aptly named, because people say it is lavender colored and smells a lil' like lavender. Its bred by Soma Seeds, same guy who made NY Deisel. Sorry though, no interspecies hybrids possible. Hops is the only plant closely enough related (and it is still a very distant cousin) to marijuana to successfully do anything together, and even they can't cross-breed or pollinate. It is possible to graft a cannabis limb onto a hops plant or vice versa, but It doesn't change the genetics of either, and is usually just a waste of time. Anyway I bet that "Lavender" you smoked was some pretty good shit, huh?

- In never ceases to amaze me how many people seem to think it's possible for plants to breed with completely different types of plants. If this were possible, every plant would pollinate and breed with the plant next to it, like some crazy plant orgy. thier genetics would become so mixed and diluted that eventually there wouldnt be any classifiable breeds of plants at all, just mixed up mutant hybrids. Use common sense, people, please?
Your totaly wrong ofc i crossed a canna ia strain with a 5l can of red diesel.. i did it however in florida so its a red florida diesel strain
Stinks gassy as pungent fuel smell.

Nah ur right uneducated people lol.

Its strain lavendar is due to the terpines in cannabis at a set ratio bred. Its a mix of Linalool pinine and mycrene i believe . And linalool being the sweet floral lavendar scent you get difference to other strains will be the levels of mycrene and pinene releasing a certain odor .
And i beleve on the vape pen sites you can order certain terps exttacted and isolated in cannabis and ive seen doseage ammouts to make certain strainsd like dawg