What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Well, this way your balls and arse get a good licking.
I have a dane and she showers with me, sometimes she doesn't want to, and I'll say " if you're going to sleep in my bed you have to shower " . She just drops her head and walks right in, then afterwards she will jump in the bed and roll ( before I can dry her off ) as if she is getting even.
My boxer does the same. He actually likes a bath or shower.
Here's your daily dose of cuteness. I put a deposit down before they were born and have pick of the litter. (first time I've ever had to select from so many)

2 weeks old. See that little dark runt. My eyes go to him every time the owner sends me new picks. I "think" he may be "the one"
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She had 8. 4M and 4F.
These are the boys.
I'm going to see them for the first time today and pick out my new little buddy.
And I shall call him Bodhi:bigjoint:
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That's all. Carry on with your penis talk :P
Best hunting dogs I've had were runts. Some of the best dogs were runts now I think about it.


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Staff member
Jees just read a story in the news, this guy in India got killed when he was told to go into an MRI room carrying a can of oxygen.
The machine was on and sucked him and the bottle in, the bottle broke open and he died from "inhaling" liquid oxygen.
Makes whatever happened to us today seem like nothing.
Sad that they either didn't quench the magnet or worse it was a non-functional quench circuit. But it costs tens of thousands to recover from a quench (even more if you destroyed the magnets), and the govt is paying out $7850.00 for the man's death.


Well-Known Member

My boxer does the same. He actually likes a bath or shower.

Best hunting dogs I've had were runts. Some of the best dogs were runts now I think about it.
My Dane does some funny stuff, like no dog I ever had before. She was about 10 months old and had some training when I got her. If I tell her to go away she'll love all over ya, just drive you nuts pushing on ya, if I tell her to come here and she is more than ten feet away then she walks off and turns to look back. If I feed her or give her a treat she won't eat in front of me she waits till I leave. She won't jump up on a car but she stands up and looks in ( well for trucks away, she just looks straight into most cars ) and she will not ride in the back seat, but when she is in the back of my envoy she walks around bumping her head on the ceiling turning on all the lights.


Well-Known Member
My Dane does some funny stuff, like no dog I ever had before. She was about 10 months old and had some training when I got her. If I tell her to go away she'll love all over ya, just drive you nuts pushing on ya, if I tell her to come here and she is more than ten feet away then she walks off and turns to look back. If I feed her or give her a treat she won't eat in front of me she waits till I leave. She won't jump up on a car but she stands up and looks in ( well for trucks away, she just looks straight into most cars ) and she will not ride in the back seat, but when she is in the back of my envoy she walks around bumping her head on the ceiling turning on all the lights.
I got my boxer at about 10 months old. He didn't have any training. He now follows commands like sit, shake, lay down, stay etc. He even seems to understand more than just commands. He listens to all kinds of things I say.


Well-Known Member
Dogs are pretty smart hey. Our last dog would fetch specific toys from his room when asked.
He also didn't bark when all the street dogs went apeshit. Hated birds with a passion, almost as much as bathing.
His toys were his possessions and not for playing with, especially by hooomans.
He would nearly shit himself if he bit a toy hard enough to make the squeaker make a noise.
He was also best friends with a cat. the cat would put his head in the dog's mouth sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Dogs are pretty smart hey. Our last dog would fetch specific toys from his room when asked.
He also didn't bark when all the street dogs went apeshit. Hated birds with a passion, almost as much as bathing.
His toys were his possessions and not for playing with, especially by hooomans.
He would nearly shit himself if he bit a toy hard enough to make the squeaker make a noise.
He was also best friends with a cat. the cat would put his head in the dog's mouth sometimes.
I've been taking my boxer hunting lately. Over the fall I took him. He would sit in the blind or under a tree without moving or making noise. He would bring the squirrels I shot back to me. I hoping to teach him to actually tree squirrels.


Well-Known Member
Had a cat that did the same thing with birds when I was a kid.
I had a knock on the head in a car accident later that changed me a little.
I could never kill animals unless they are being menacing arseholes.