What did you accomplish today?

I have a few clones that have been stagnant for like 2 months, they started greening up about a month ago, then died back, now they all have new shoots coming out almost at soil level. I've cloned 3 times since I've cut those without any issues. Idk what happened, but if it's still green, I try saving them.

I bet that fucker would re root pretty quick if ya just chopped and planted it like a big clone. When i was guerrilla growing there were a few times I accidentally broke off a big branch, poked a hole in the ground and stuck it in, then not come back for a week, or more, and it had taken.

Three years ago I trimmed a outdoor plant and let the trimmings lay on the ground about a week later three or four limbs had put down roots .
I watered my peppers this morning.

Small holes around plants in the plastic mulch, so it takes over an hour to water 23 pepper plants.


I found these old FF soluables I used on weed a couple times. But it tip burns the buds so I quit using it. I think it might work on peppers. I don't go over 0-15-15 for weed bud boosters anymore. Tip burns too easy.

Used one for the 1st time today. I only fed them twice in 6 weeks. Decided on Beastie Bloomz today. Looks like they don't need N.

Jalapeno tree is looking good.

Those are easy, it's the 11 bell pepper plants I want to be productive. We don't get a lot of full sun here. Always clouds in my coffee.
Looked at plants, think I must be stoned because buds seemed to have swollen quite a bit since I last looked at 0715 yesterday, so that's also good news.

And I not only came back with 8 different baggies of weed,.no idea what I'm on just now, I also scored 200mg CBD vape fluid which should be a bit better than the 30mg I have now.

Happy days
It was supposed to be nearing 100F today so I got up around 5:30 to go do more weeding around the yard and drench my fruits and veggies before it got sweltering. Made breakfast, went food shopping, and went and dropped a care package at a friends. Then i took a road trip to get a full set of used tires, only 17K on them, for my car for $75, one might not be good, but who cares for $18.75 each. Some old guy bought a newer, used, car and didn't want Bridgestone tires on it, so he bought a whole new set of another brand.:dunce: Even if I have to spend another $100 for one more, used, tire and mounting I'm ahead of the game. I'd be looking at around $600+ for these same tires new. Stopped at this bomb sub place and got what they call a Giambotta - Steak, Fresh Sauteed Green Peppers, Onions & Mushrooms with Sweet Italian Sausage, Savory Pepperoni, Imported Genoa Salami and Melted Italian Provolone Cheese with Fresh Tomato Sauce. At the moment, I'm bongsmilie, then I'm taking a fucking nap. Maybe I'll do more shit later......
also any eurogrowers, what do you call "tater tots"?
