What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
I am a big wussy when it comes to animals. I'd never be able to eat them if I knew them.
From the time I could walk I was around killing and butchering animals. I'm the same with my kids.

To me I would rather know an animal and know it was cared for and eat it than support the horrible ways mass meat is raised.

If you were raised around it would be easier. I still won't name something I'm going to eat.


Well-Known Member
From the time I could walk I was around killing and butchering animals. I'm the same with my kids.

To me I would rather know an animal and know it was cared for and eat it than support the horrible ways mass meat is raised.

If you were raised around it would be easier. I still won't name something I'm going to eat.
Favorite part was cutting a chickens head off then throwing it into the yard to watch it run around for a bit. Daughter even gets a kick out of it. Sick but entertaining.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
From the time I could walk I was around killing and butchering animals. I'm the same with my kids.

To me I would rather know an animal and know it was cared for and eat it than support the horrible ways mass meat is raised.

If you were raised around it would be easier. I still won't name something I'm going to eat.
first time is the hardest, once you've got that first one down, the rest are just potential brisket and bacon


Well-Known Member
first time is the hardest, once you've got that first one down, the rest are just potential brisket and bacon
I still can't eat an animal the same day I butcher it. Been doing it all my life. I've had hunter friends take a bite out of a warm heart cut right out of an animal, the thought turns my stomach.


Well-Known Member
From the time I could walk I was around killing and butchering animals. I'm the same with my kids.

To me I would rather know an animal and know it was cared for and eat it than support the horrible ways mass meat is raised.

If you were raised around it would be easier. I still won't name something I'm going to eat.
Yeah, I also shot lots of birds as a kid because my dad did it...
I wouldn't do it today though.


Well-Known Member
Packed out the whole smaller grow room, rehung the lights on a better spot so I can now get past the plants via a little passage.
Also soldered in some thicker gauge wire in the LED light as it wasn't making contact well with the push-on connector. The flickering seems to have stopped.
Carried the tray back in with a bit of help from the old-lady and gave em a fresh tote of fertilizer. Now I feel nap -ish.


Ursus marijanus
I started trading off some of my farm equipment for feed for the remainder of the cattle I have. I'll be out of "farming" in the next 2 years, there's no money left in it for the smaller guys like me. I have a couple pigs, lots of chickens and a couple beef cattle we're keeping for ourselves but I won't be raising to sell anymore as I've barely been breaking even the last few years. Our daughter is getting older so it'd be nice to be able to travel and take vacations without having to worry about the livestock, right now that's not an option. I'll always raise for myself because the end product is so much better. Just can't justify the work anymore for what we've been getting.
This breaks my heart. But I cannot deny the realities of corporate agriculture. Have you read Richard Rhodes' "Farm"?


Well-Known Member
This breaks my heart. But I cannot deny the realities of corporate agriculture. Have you read Richard Rhodes' "Farm"?
I haven't. I'll check it out. Like I said we'll still be doing it for ourselves because we do love doing it but our farm has reported a loss for the last 2 years. We started getting bigger when the money was good but then the market dropped out and now it's all work for no profit. I can't leave the farm for more than 12 hours at a time with all the animals we have so it'll really free up our time and money to do more quality family things. It could be a blessing in disguise.


Ursus marijanus
I haven't. I'll check it out. Like I said we'll still be doing it for ourselves because we do love doing it but our farm has reported a loss for the last 2 years. We started getting bigger when the money was good but then the market dropped out and now it's all work for no profit. I can't leave the farm for more than 12 hours at a time with all the animals we have so it'll really free up our time and money to do more quality family things. It could be a blessing in disguise.
I suspect you are being very wise. I salute you.


Well-Known Member
This breaks my heart. But I cannot deny the realities of corporate agriculture. Have you read Richard Rhodes' "Farm"?
I feel ya.

Growing up there were numerous 100+ acre farms and orchards in the surrounding counties.
Now there are few and they are far between.

urban sprawl and commercial farming have drastically changed the landscape I grew up on.:(
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