What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
made it through work. come in and first thing my boss starts to tell me is if i can stay late and work on my day off and im just like fuck no!. got slammed with a medical bill today that i thought my insurance would cover but nope they didn't cover shit cause i guess i couldn't go to that hospital so im paying out my pocket. i mean the bill is manageable and i can pay it off within the month but hard to pay it off when your flat broke and didn't really go to work in the past month.

i get paid tomorrow though so imma see how much money i get then try to pay the whole thing off.


Ursus marijanus
made it through work. come in and first thing my boss starts to tell me is if i can stay late and work on my day off and im just like fuck no!. got slammed with a medical bill today that i thought my insurance would cover but nope they didn't cover shit cause i guess i couldn't go to that hospital so im paying out my pocket. i mean the bill is manageable and i can pay it off within the month but hard to pay it off when your flat broke and didn't really go to work in the past month.

i get paid tomorrow though so imma see how much money i get then try to pay the whole thing off.
Oh that sucks, bummer about the insurance​


Well-Known Member
Oh that sucks, bummer about the insurance​
yea idk wtf kinda insurance i got never heard of this insurance company before so im guessing it's like some cheap ass insurance company where im not really covered in anything. the bill is only $279.11 but i paid some of it off now im almost got no money at all XD. im going to quit my job around december though so i should be on an actual insurance plan that actually covers all of this stuff. im just going to try and pay it off by the end of the month i mean i can pay it off by tomorrow if i wanted to but i like to keep some money in my account for a buffer.

in a sense i mean it kinda helped i guess i probably could of lost my arm if it got infected but i don't think i will fuck with this insurance company ever again or the hospital i went to. i'll probably pay half of the remaining sum this weekend depending how much i get paid.


Well-Known Member
I won a great ebay auction this evening, 2 sets of Bose professional speakers worth $5400 for a little more than half that. I plan to sell a set for 2 grand and keep the other. If this works out I'll own a $2700 set for under a grand. Nice. I had to dip into the petty cash box to pull out 5 grand to go deposit in the bank tomorrow. The stacks are all 20s, so the box seems significantly lighter...



Well-Known Member
I won a great ebay auction this evening, 2 sets of Bose professional speakers worth $5400 for a little more than half that. I plan to sell a set for 2 grand and keep the other. If this works out I'll own a $2700 set for under a grand. Nice. I had to dip into the petty cash box to pull out 5 grand to go deposit in the bank tomorrow. The stacks are all 20s, so the box seems significantly lighter...

View attachment 4312405
There’s something satisfying about stacks of cash bro Bose is the shit :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
listening to some music and i just realized something about weed. it's funny how a lot of medical drugs currently used today contain negative side affects yet are legal to use yet cannabis is still being treated like heroine. makes me wonder is it REALLY about the lack of information we have pertaining to medical use of cannabis or is it really just about legalizing to tax it and profit. i'd bet the later.


Well-Known Member
Had some awesome person hit my ute (Aussie for pickup) while I was at work and didn’t leave a note smashed the rear driver side door no one witnessed it and no cameras around.:cuss::cuss::wall: