What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
just woke up it is 11am didn't go to work because i've been very sick since yesterday. not entirely sure what i got feels like the flu so ive just been taking medicine for that. i just feel extremely weak all i want to do is lay down and sleep but forcing myself to stay up for a little bit got to get some things done. idk if it was something we ate as well because my entirely family is sick. tried to take a smoke could only finish half which is really uncommon for me. think the stress is getting to me as well.

doing some laundry cause i needa go back to work tomorrow no matter what. got to check up on my plants they should be fine since i watered yesterday then maybe start cleaning the other room again. just got a call from the rental car place following up on service and all that. pretty good otherwise just need to get a lot of sleep and eat something later on today. i think after today the room is pretty much cleared out i can start moving some stuff in but we have nowhere to really move all the old things in my sisters room so it's just a mess. my sisters bf has a storage we can put it all in but i know my dad doesn't want to do that since it's all my moms stuff.


Well-Known Member
Today I put stakes and chicken wire around all the garden beds because the chickens declared war on anything green. They ate my 4 trays of seedlings, they obviously were not high enough. Broccoli, cauliflower, beetroot, snow pea’s, green beans, radishes and more all gone. The season is off to great start. Have to buy some from the garden store to get back on track hard lesson learnt.


Well-Known Member
Today I put stakes and chicken wire around all the garden beds because the chickens declared war on anything green. They ate my 4 trays of seedlings, they obviously were not high enough. Broccoli, cauliflower, beetroot, snow pea’s, green beans, radishes and more all gone. The season is off to great start. Have to buy some from the garden store to get back on track hard lesson learnt.
Mine got into the strawberry patch and almost destroyed it. We added more topsoil because they exposed all the roots. Hopefully they didn't kill them all. My daughter calls them goat birds because they get into everything.