What did you accomplish today?

Swooped a clone and had to post the Grape Ape I’ve been wanting to grow it for 15 years. I remember the first time I got my Cannabis card in 2004-2005 and driving up to SF all the time for the Grape Ape and Morning Star! A9A6B520-451A-4F51-B026-3358BD37BF6A.jpeg D33FF93B-B118-4EDF-B395-3573B0019BA3.jpeg DEED2EF4-2D62-41F2-B8CE-65E5070EC17B.jpeg


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didnt go to work lmfao. came back from the grad party at like 11pm didn't go to be until 2am and at that point i knew i wouldn't wake up so i called in sick. stomach is extremely sore as well to the point i recall my dog barfing on my bed and i was just like "ahh fuck it" usually i will be quick to clean it up but that is how bad it was. almost woke up and threw up in bed myself. pretty sure something my dad brought home from the grad party he went to on saturday was spoiled. idk if you guys know what lumpia is but basically it's like an eggroll but filipino version. he brought some of those home didn't put it in the fridge and i ate some and they tasted rancid but i still ate it.

already 11:30am and i just woke up. watered the sunflowers deeply they are all about to bloom real soon. the one i cut yesterday just bloomed naturally i hope unles someone forcefully opened it up. looks very beautiful bicolored yellow and red. i'll take a pic later on.

waiting for my package and just drinking lots of water feeling dehydrated af. going to probably prep my pineapple chunk in a 10gal smart pot.
didnt go to work lmfao. came back from the grad party at like 11pm didn't go to be until 2am and at that point i knew i wouldn't wake up so i called in sick. stomach is extremely sore as well to the point i recall my dog barfing on my bed and i was just like "ahh fuck it" usually i will be quick to clean it up but that is how bad it was. almost woke up and threw up in bed myself. pretty sure something my dad brought home from the grad party he went to on saturday was spoiled. idk if you guys know what lumpia is but basically it's like an eggroll but filipino version. he brought some of those home didn't put it in the fridge and i ate some and they tasted rancid but i still ate it.

already 11:30am and i just woke up. watered the sunflowers deeply they are all about to bloom real soon. the one i cut yesterday just bloomed naturally i hope unles someone forcefully opened it up. looks very beautiful bicolored yellow and red. i'll take a pic later on.

waiting for my package and just drinking lots of water feeling dehydrated af. going to probably prep my pineapple chunk in a 10gal smart pot.
You've been sick and/or blew off work more times since you've been on this site than I did 20 years on the job. j/s ;)
didnt go to work lmfao. came back from the grad party at like 11pm didn't go to be until 2am and at that point i knew i wouldn't wake up so i called in sick. stomach is extremely sore as well to the point i recall my dog barfing on my bed and i was just like "ahh fuck it" usually i will be quick to clean it up but that is how bad it was. almost woke up and threw up in bed myself. pretty sure something my dad brought home from the grad party he went to on saturday was spoiled. idk if you guys know what lumpia is but basically it's like an eggroll but filipino version. he brought some of those home didn't put it in the fridge and i ate some and they tasted rancid but i still ate it.

Yeah, it's really getting to her now.
Can you get a victims of crime payment they have it in Oz. Helps with my for therapy. I get ptsd from when the rental I was in caught fire, not my fault old wiring that should of been fixed. It was pretty engulfed in flames when I woke up my daughter was 18 months old and had to get her out smashed a window and climbed out with my wife. I thought ptsd was bullshit until that night. Still wake up sweating and have to go round the whole house to check for what ever my ocd (another bonus of ptsd) thinks might be a fire hazard. She will get better with time mate but it does put a wall up, hope it gets easier.
The pay out I got helped get my property so that dark cloud had a silver lining
im amazed you guys pay attention to what i say XD kinda creepy. i actually make up the hours and money i lost back though. i talk to my employers about it they are typically okay with it lots to do and always understaffed.

i am working on a side business atm as well that a fellow user on here suggested months ago and i just so happen to come across the opportunity to get into it so im going to see where it goes just for extra cash. i still need to quit smoking that is a lot of money down the drain per week for me at least $50. i lost some money this week though due to graduation parties but meh trust me i am saving up :D i'd suck some fucking dicks for that car money!. WHO's FIRST!!!
Did my best domestic goddess imitation and mopped the kitchen floor today. I love the linoleum that looks dirty no matter what you do, it probably is still, but it is better. My cousin from AK is coming to visit so I need to clean up a bit even if it is like putting lipstick on a pig. Beer and buds time. Chicken and corn on the cob for dinner.
Did my best domestic goddess imitation and mopped the kitchen floor today. I love the linoleum that looks dirty no matter what you do, it probably is still, but it is better. My cousin from AK is coming to visit so I need to clean up a bit even if it is like putting lipstick on a pig. Beer and buds time. Chicken and corn on the cob for dinner.

What's the weather like where you are? Should I bring a jacket or flip flops?

Damn, I didn't even know I had a trip scheduled.
Can you get a victims of crime payment they have it in Oz. Helps with my for therapy. I get ptsd from when the rental I was in caught fire, not my fault old wiring that should of been fixed. It was pretty engulfed in flames when I woke up my daughter was 18 months old and had to get her out smashed a window and climbed out with my wife. I thought ptsd was bullshit until that night. Still wake up sweating and have to go round the whole house to check for what ever my ocd (another bonus of ptsd) thinks might be a fire hazard. She will get better with time mate but it does put a wall up, hope it gets easier.
The pay out I got helped get my property so that dark cloud had a silver lining
Right now she's only listed as a witness and the gas station owner is listed as the victim. Someone fucked up there and they're trying to fix it at the DA's office because she wasn't ever offered counseling or anything like she should have been. Also means no access to victim funds.