What did you accomplish today?

saved up $690 for my car so far. by the end of the month it will be around $1690 more like less because spending on smokes and monster but it's a start. trying to drink less monsters which im doing so far drinking 1 a day instead of 4-6 ( yes you read correctly 4-6 ) bad for my health and all that i know.

decided to invest in a muscle car but i want a slight fixer upper i want to be proud of my 1st car i can say i bought with my own money and worked hard for it. i want to customize it how i want as well not have someone restore one and buy it already restored. all im basically looking for is something that drives and doesn't need a shit load of body work or has a shit load of issues.

im looking at chevelles, camaro's, mustangs, novas, and maybe barracuda's but those are the easiest ones to find here with chevelles being on the more pricey side. other then that imma just be saving up for now and when i get close to around $6-10k imma start looking. found a 1966 mustang but not a whole lot of info for $5k. it looks decent shape but im pretty sure it has a lot of issues.
Those early Mustangs were prone to front end problems, I had a '67. Ford went cheap an didn't put zerk fittings so a lube job lasted a couple days. Mine ended when I put the zerks in

Played the shit out of Street Rod 2 in 1990.
Those early Mustangs were prone to front end problems, I had a '67. Ford went cheap an didn't put zerk fittings so a lube job lasted a couple days. Mine ended when I put the zerks in
yea im not a huge fan of the ponies but i've been seeing a lot of them for sale lately. i know they are fairly easy to find of the muscle cars here sadly we don't got a lot of selection due to shipping issues ( nobody wants to pay the shipping or buy overseas and ship unless they previously bought it in another state and moved here ) i watched a video last night curious about them but looked like it has rust issues something about the water just dripping right down into the tires or something on the 66.

i got a long way to go though just checking out the selections right now.
Can't believe that asshat actually signed that bill.....now Texas can grow hemp......and they are trying the expand the compasspionate act here or did they...need to ck the bill registery to make sure.......hmmmm

maybe a new buisness?

rather have coffee right now....get the ol wifey setup...also need to find my medical papers for when i see the dr tomorrow morning....