What did you accomplish today?

Only reason i have em cuz i was stabbed by a tweeker a month ago for $10 2 to the gut n one in my arms main artery
I used to hunt deer, quail, dove, and pheasants when I was physically able. We have our .22's for plinking. I picked up a Turkish Mauser 8 mm because it was cheap.
Port Arthur?
Yeah since then.
There is so much fear revolving guns here. Your pretty much taught that guns are extremely bad and only killers own them.
You can’t even mention deer hunting in public because all of a sudden your a lunatic with a gun. Even though there introduced and are bad for the environment, not to mention there’s no animal to prey on them.
I do not have guns anymore but I still go on hunts with friends from time to time. I get the odd fox and animal that needs to be put down, the neighbors have guns so no need. I had to choose between growing and shooting plus I have a licence which I renew just in case l require one again.
Groceries purchased and put away. No joy on the AC reset, worth a try I guess. The blend door actuators aren't that expensive, it's just getting to them to replace them. Time to cook up some brunch once my back says it's OK. The meds kiosk worked well, once I found out where it is, major construction going on. It has a fingerprint scanner even.

I replaced the blend door on my 04' Silverado , it was the easy to get to one on bottom, but after I had changed it I took the old one apart to check it out and what had happened was the grease had burned on the contact, so I cleaned it regressed it and the damn thing went back to working.... now I have a spare.
Going to get my permanent crown about lunch time today. I get the feeling the wife will want me to stop by KFC on my way home. Works for me, I won't have to cook dinner anyway. Cloudy this morning and 75 already, headed to 100 or more, supposed to be a nice cool 96 tomorrow. Time to close up the house and turn the AC back on. I need more coffee.