What did you accomplish today?

Dragged my ass to a doctors appointment this morning and that's all I'm doing today. Barely slept a wink last night... assholes lighting off fireworks, shooting each other and police sirens going all night. Win a silly game and vandalize your own city, people are friggen idiots.
Oh Canada. Happens most places after a Championship it seems. Los Angeles, couple years ago in Philadelphia too. Idiots are like dandelions, except dandelions have more value.
Move to the country; best thing I ever did

I love living in a big city, hate sharing it with idiots.

Oh Canada. Happens most places after a Championship it seems. Los Angeles, couple years ago in Philadelphia too. Idiots are like dandelions, except dandelions have more value.

It would make more sense to me if they went and vandalized the other teams city. I've never considered burning my house down after a monopoly victory.
I love living in a big city, hate sharing it with idiots.

It would make more sense to me if they went and vandalized the other teams city. I've never considered burning my house down after a monopoly victory.
When I was younger, loved the crowds, the city life, clubs and stuff. Now I want nothing to do with any of it. It seems the older I get the more I don’t wanna be bothered by other people and me and my wife get anxious around crowds anymore. You can have the city life young lady.
Dragged my ass to a doctors appointment this morning and that's all I'm doing today. Barely slept a wink last night... assholes lighting off fireworks, shooting each other and police sirens going all night. Win a silly game and vandalize your own city, people are friggen idiots.
I realized a couple things from this years NBA finals.
Canadians CAN actually be assholes. Like when they cheered when Durant got injured again.
I honestly have never even heard Drake rap, or whatever he does, but I fucking hate him.
I learned a couple things from this years NBA finals.
Canadians CAN actually be assholes. Like when they cheered when Durant injured himself again.
I honestly have never even heard Drake rap, or whatever he does, but I fucking hate him.
That happens everywhere. I’m a 49er fan and I remember a couple years ago when they were playing in Seattle and Navarro Bowman fucked his leg up. As they were carting him off the field through the tunnel, Seattle fans were throwing food down at him. That’s why they’re called fans, which is short for fanatics. Fanatics sounds like a more accurate description.
That happens everywhere. I’m a 49er fan and I remember a couple years ago when they were playing in Seattle and Navarro Bowman fucked his leg up. As they were carting him off the field through the tunnel, Seattle fans were throwing food down at him. That’s why they’re called fans, which is short for fanatics. Fanatics sounds like a more accurate description.
Niner fan here too.

But i’m talking about Canadians. I thought they were all really nice. I was wrong lol.
Niner fan here too.

But we’re talking Canadians here. I thought they were all really nice. I was wrong lol.
No one group is all nice or all fucked up. They’re human. The same reason you have dirty cops, people in the post office stealing packages, corrupt politicians etc...a certain percentage of people in every group are foul.
I realized a couple things from this years NBA finals.
Canadians CAN actually be assholes. Like when they cheered when Durant got injured again.
I honestly have never even heard Drake rap, or whatever he does, but I fucking hate him.

I don't know where the all Canadians are nice thing came from. I know a lot of assholes who live here. I'm as nice to others as they are to me.

We can be cool at sporting events too.

I will walk most days and not all that far but as fast as I can and nothing is close to flat here. Do use a bow flex often and have for a long time and a few free exercises also. Will walk soon.

Trimmed up some Bodhi Wookie Hashplant and it looks awesome. Pretty dry trim and had to stop and clean scissors twice on 1/2 o. Very sticky stuff.
welp i've offically freaked out a worker of mine...by what you say...welll.......just a little 6ft rat snack....started cleaning around the shop and i found the little guy....picked him by his tail and about the time i was picking it up worker i have came over was gonna ask me something....i turned around with that in my hands....very calmly i asked what up? he just stood there stunned....he started pointing at my hands....i'm like what? this.....oh this is just a small one wanna hold it, while i do some more inspection....he just walked away.....

and the lawn mower is offically slimmed......also had to change the oil and put a new belt on it......it's ready to go...

the snake is outback, put it along the tree line and let it go....
Back in the late 80's I doing a waste water treatment plant in Valdosta GA and we had to lay about 3 miles of sewer pipe through a area very close to the Okeefenoke swamp. Huge rattle snakes 8-10'.....12-16 buttons, they would get in the pipe at the lay down yard, we all wore pistols and kept shot guns in every piece of equipment. You really had to watch every step , and my step dad was all was saying that they liked getting in the porti pottys and would bite you in the ass.... he was BS'ing of course but they would get under the damn things.