What did you accomplish today?

I woke up at 6 to find my roommate , and best friend, still up and smoking. He works second shift and gets home around midnight, usual in bed by 2, so I knew something was up. His younger brother ODd sometime last night. We just lost another close friend just over a year ago who was really close to my buddy. He says he doing fine but he suppresses his emotions, so I'm keeping an eye on him. Shit sucks. IDK any details about services yet, I hope having to travel for this new job training doesn't effect me going to the funeral, they're my second family and I need to be there.
I woke up at 6 to find my roommate , and best friend, still up and smoking. He works second shift and gets home around midnight, usual in bed by 2, so I knew something was up. His younger brother ODd sometime last night. We just lost another close friend just over a year ago who was really close to my buddy. He says he doing fine but he suppresses his emotions, so I'm keeping an eye on him. Shit sucks. IDK any details about services yet, I hope having to travel for this new job training doesn't effect me going to the funeral, they're my second family and I need to be there.
Man. That’s fucked up sorry to hear
I’m pretty sure that’s not a sink. It’s a urinal.

And if it’s not, then, I’m an asshole because I always just piss in it.
When I started middle school it was the first time I ever saw trough sinks in a bathroom. I thought they were urinals like at the ball park, so I was pissing in them for the first couple weeks until a teacher walked in and asked WTF I was doing. He had a good laugh when I told him. The really funny part was because other kids saw me do it, there were a bunch of other people that were doing it and the teachers had to address the whole class at an assembly about not pissing in the sinks
I woke up at 6 to find my roommate , and best friend, still up and smoking. He works second shift and gets home around midnight, usual in bed by 2, so I knew something was up. His younger brother ODd sometime last night. We just lost another close friend just over a year ago who was really close to my buddy. He says he doing fine but he suppresses his emotions, so I'm keeping an eye on him. Shit sucks. IDK any details about services yet, I hope having to travel for this new job training doesn't effect me going to the funeral, they're my second family and I need to be there.

That's heavy. :( Sorry
I woke up at 6 to find my roommate , and best friend, still up and smoking. He works second shift and gets home around midnight, usual in bed by 2, so I knew something was up. His younger brother ODd sometime last night. We just lost another close friend just over a year ago who was really close to my buddy. He says he doing fine but he suppresses his emotions, so I'm keeping an eye on him. Shit sucks. IDK any details about services yet, I hope having to travel for this new job training doesn't effect me going to the funeral, they're my second family and I need to be there.
Damn brother, I can’t “like” this post but I feel for you... and them.

Sorry to hear about that.
I knew as I got older I'd be dealing with the deaths of friends and family, that's how life goes, but for the last 6 years there's been at least one every year. It's really starting to weigh on me, I just start coming to terms with the last one and BAM, go through it all over again. I think I can confidently say I've been clinically depressed for the majority of that time and self medicating with copious amounts of MJ just to numb myself to life. Makes me question everything....
I knew as I got older I'd be dealing with the deaths of friends and family, that's how life goes, but for the last 6 years there's been at least one every year. It's really starting to weigh on me, I just start coming to terms with the last one and BAM, go through it all over again. I think I can confidently say I've been clinically depressed for the majority of that time and self medicating with copious amounts of MJ just to numb myself to life. Makes me question everything....
Again, I feel you. I don’t think I’m over my cousin or my grandpa passing. What’s crazy is I actually saw both of them go...

My cousin was the worst. I went to the hospital just in time to see doctors all around him trying to resuscitate him... while my aunt(his mom) is pouring her eyes out. As they’re pumping on his chest...

The sound of her and what I saw isn’t something I can get out of my head...

I got a little choked up just now as I was typing this.

But like your friend I just suppress all that shit irl.
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I woke up at 6 to find my roommate , and best friend, still up and smoking. He works second shift and gets home around midnight, usual in bed by 2, so I knew something was up. His younger brother ODd sometime last night. We just lost another close friend just over a year ago who was really close to my buddy. He says he doing fine but he suppresses his emotions, so I'm keeping an eye on him. Shit sucks. IDK any details about services yet, I hope having to travel for this new job training doesn't effect me going to the funeral, they're my second family and I need to be there.
I'm sorry and I hope your friend does OK.
Again, I feel you. I don’t think I’m over my cousin or my grandpa passing. What’s crazy is I actually saw both of them go...

My cousin was the worst. I went to the hospital just in time to see doctors all around him trying to resuscitate him... while my aunt(his mom) is pouring her eyes out. As they’re pumping on his chest...

The sound of her and what I saw isn’t something I can get out of my head...

I got a little choked up just now as I was typing this.

But like your friend I just suppress all that shit irl.
I wish I could do that. As the reality sets in I'm starting to break up. I really want to call his mother, but all she'll get is a blubbering mess on the phone. I know when he gets up I'm gonna lose it.
I knew as I got older I'd be dealing with the deaths of friends and family, that's how life goes, but for the last 6 years there's been at least one every year. It's really starting to weigh on me, I just start coming to terms with the last one and BAM, go through it all over again. I think I can confidently say I've been clinically depressed for the majority of that time and self medicating with copious amounts of MJ just to numb myself to life. Makes me question everything....
Gotta be careful when using MJ to suppress emotions.
It might work today, but the emotions don't go away.
Expression is only delayed, and when they come out, it can be scary.

Good luck bro.
Strike 3 on the sprinkler timer, have a new one on order, not a Toro. The instructions for installing this one did say a pigtail was required for the grounds, stupid design. It won't run on auto, tried to run it manually and that didn't want to work either. They better give my money back, I already gave them a 3 rating.