What did you accomplish today?

I was wondering about the pressure test as well. I can arc and mig well enough, and I'd jump on a tig without issue, but I wouldn't weld that my first time, especially if it's running flammable solvents. And if it's Co2, the pressures could be in the thousands of PSI. One poor section of weld turns the whole system into a explosion hazard in both cases.

From a quick look, there’s cold lap all around the nipple. Even if it looked perfect, I’d pressure test it.

SS is my 2nd least favourite thing to weld .
I was wondering about the pressure test as well. I can arc and mig well enough, and I'd jump on a tig without issue, but I wouldn't weld that my first time, especially if it's running flammable solvents. And if it's Co2, the pressures could be in the thousands of PSI. One poor section of weld turns the whole system into a explosion hazard in both cases.
No he doesnt run the roto vap under negetive pressure you dam right about that i did argon purge but its ugly but i welded like a shit load its not going under pressure he has an old as roto vap with dry ice first trap will catch the majority this is a secondary so it foest get passed this.. No welch atached
Got any names picked out? If I wasn't Sicilian, I'd like Lucas for a boy's name. But I am so idk I'd probably pick Vito. Rose and Angelina are good girl's names.
lmfao this is just speaking about like "where do you see yourself in 5/10years" not saying imma have kids but i do want kids and to settle down i aint in a rush but i aint getting any younger either but i am still fairly young to rush into it. im just saying cause it's not like imma buy another car or looking at buying another car in those 5-10 years. i personally am not ready for that kind of responsibility yet think i got to focus more on just adulting for now. plus who knows maybe i date a girl who doesn't want kids at all which im okay with as well or maybe me or her can't concieve due to w.e. reasons.
Doesn't it scare you living that close to an earthquake zone?

LOL, no it's the devil I know. I was born and raised in an earthquake zone. I lost my chimney in the Landers/Big Bear quake and this didn't do any damage I can see, except losing many gallons of water as it left my pool. It seemed to be all wave and no shear force.

I felt it all the way in the Santa Monica mountains. Little swaying side to side action
Good, I immediately worried about you guys down there. Glad it was closer to me, we have fewer older taller buildings than you guys.
Happy 4th of July everyone.

woke my ass up early took a nice hot shower, got my dads plants all out of my tent and set the net up just to see what it will look like. get to start my first scrog soon. we smoking some meat/bbqing. got some hotdogs to cook, ribs, brisket, probably chicken, steak, etc.. my asshole gonna get destroyed tonight
LOL, no it's the devil I know. I was born and raised in an earthquake zone. I lost my chimney in the Landers/Big Bear quake and this didn't do any damage I can see, except losing many gallons of water as it left my pool. It seemed to be all wave and no shear force.

Good, I immediately worried about you guys down there. Glad it was closer to me, we have fewer older taller buildings than you guys.

Crazy, I'd be shitting bricks as soon as things started moving. I was in Mexico when they had their big earthquake in 2017. We were nowhere near the epicenter thankfully but getting out of there afterwards was almost impossible.
So it's hot and juicy as fuck here, storm warnings for later and popcorn cell rain showers all over the radar.

At my daughter's clearing underneath the tractor mower deck and mixing some gas/oil for 2 cycle engines here.

And I used to think I was a good worker until I looked out the door and saw my daughter's neighbor.

He climbed up the tree with a chainsaw and a safety harness, started to trim and then the rain starts really coming down.

Does he come down?

Fuck no, his wife is ran his safety line on the ground and he stayed right up there for 45 minutes and finished everything he wanted to do. Slowly and safely, avoiding the multiple utility lines, just like he does at work.

Rain stopped after 10 minutes, he's soaked, but he hung the fuck in there.

He currently works for the same company I retired from, I'm proud to say.
damn son. ya'll got shit like this in your state or what? o_O" https://www.khon2.com/news/local-news/29-headstones-vandalized-at-kawaiahaoo-church-overnight/

looks like someone had to cut some of those headstones off there base or maybe took a truck and yanked um off idfk. weird too because these things kinda happen at least once a year for a while now. last time i think someone stole peoples remains and then before that someone stole the entire headstones

Sounds like we need a Hawai'i equivalent to the Florida Man thread.

But a search only turned up a road-raging toolbag who wore blackface to court.


Sounds like we need a Hawai'i equivalent to the Florida Man thread.

But a search only turned up a road-raging toolbag who wore blackface to court.
lmfao yea i seen that. i think that guy actually stabbed the people right by my old work place there was a long ass wait cause the streets were backed up from police. something about him stabbing i think 1-2 people cause they started to attack him so he was using self defence idfk. there is one too where this guy was speeding in the same area and opened fire at a stop light one person got hit but she didn't die.

there was one story i read yesterday someone just lit a car on fire for no reason. lots of hit and runs here in Oahu too. everytime i go to home depot by my house always got that 1 idiot who tries to reverse into a stall then hits the car next to them and gives no fucks and they just drive off.