What did you accomplish today?


I've had 3 over the past 30 yrs.

We used one at the restaurant.
Often apple smoked Salmon or Mahi Mahi ran as a daily special.

I did not like the Salmon

But I would thumb wrestle for the Mahi.
Pin on Good Eats

After looking at that Mahi, your on...
Hub and me took a road trip to get sushi. We should've eaten in the truck rather than wait til we got home.

Now I'm starving looking everyone's awesome dinner pics. Maybe I'll try the PB&J with maple syrup and bananas.
Sounds like preggo munchies but Imma try it and report back

You won't be disappointed and if you are, smoke a few more bowls and toss back a few beers. anything's good at that point

Hub and me took a road trip to get sushi. We should've eaten in the truck rather than wait til we got home.

Now I'm starving looking everyone's awesome dinner pics. Maybe I'll try the PB&J with maple syrup and bananas.
Sounds like preggo munchies but Imma try it and report back
I think that recipe excluded the jelly. It sounds more like a variation of the Elvis sammich.
Even just honey on fresh bread is delicious...a favorite munchie food. I remember a long time ago I was at a KFC down south and the cashier said "you want honey"....I was like WTF for??? The biscuits, she said. Man I have been hooked on biscuits and honey ever since. It's better than the chicken sometimes!!

Or pb & honey on crackers...but it's messy.

I am sooo stoned...and I have honey!
I tried half peanut butter and bananas with raw honey and the other half with just peanut butter and blackberry jam.

The banana and honey side was soooo good. I don't why I never tried this before now. Probably because getting the honey to squeeze out requires a set of flat nose pliers.
Put the honey jar in a container of hot water, instant decrease in viscosity, you're welcome.
Even just honey on fresh bread is delicious...a favorite munchie food. I remember a long time ago I was at a KFC down south and the cashier said "you want honey"....I was like WTF for??? The biscuits, she said. Man I have been hooked on biscuits and honey ever since. It's better than the chicken sometimes!!

Or pb & honey on crackers...but it's messy.

I am sooo stoned...and I have honey!
My kid brought home this raw stuff that has the honey comb in the bottle. I thought I was gonna pull my nonexistent nut trying to squeeze that shit out.
I tried half peanut butter and bananas with raw honey and the other half with just peanut butter and blackberry jam.

The banana and honey side was soooo good. I don't why I never tried this before now. Probably because getting the honey to squeeze out requires a set of flat nose pliers.

Warm up the honey some how, it will thin make it easier to use and work with.