What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
I did use Dip N Grow these last 2 times. After I take a cutting I immediately soak it in water, or in this case right into the DipNGrow...and I usually scratch the stems up some.

So as @BobBitchen said, I will go back to tap water...I think I use to mix tap and RO water, and somewhere along the line switched to just RO. And I did not use a dome in the old days, so I'll lose that. My humidity has been real low, which is why I was using it ....but that's about to change as spring arrives.

Then I dumped the leftover DipNGrow into the cloner along with my RO water.

I know it looks like a weak stream of water in the pic, but that is a great nozzle that puts out a nice even spread of droplets...It's from my nutriculture.

So I'll try tap water next...I have great country well water, no humidity dome, and I may skip the DipNGrow...I wasn't impressed with it...and I'll bump my temp up a tad, to 75ish...and see what happens. I don't actually need clones now, but just need to get good at it again for when I do.

Thanks everyone!!
Boil your well water first, there's microorgs in the water that the low dose of pool shock may not kill. I'm on a well and I either boil the water or use bottled spring water.


Well-Known Member
Here’s an update on my boo-boo , check out how the blood pooled under the skin under my bandage ( extra tape around the edges because the bandage is old ) and the bruise is rather large. More scrape than cut but a large hematoma, about the size of a avocado.
Well better than it was. If it were me, clean with peroxide real good, use the antibiotic ointment and let it breath a little before you dress it again...Glad ur doing good man


Well-Known Member
Cut back the flowering maple that was hanging over my old fire pit and pulled more weeds around it. Deadheaded most of the roses out back. Gardenia has some flowers on it so I picked some to bring in the house, they smell great. Tri-tip is thawed out and ready for the Q. Buds and suds in progress.


Well-Known Member
Well better than it was. If it were me, clean with peroxide real good, use the antibiotic ointment and let it breath a little before you dress it again...Glad ur doing good man
Yeah that’s exactly what I did, plus I went to Wally World and got fresh bandages so I don’t have to add extra tape. The soreness is setting in , from my hip to my knee, it just kinda feels jammed up and a little tinder but I’ve had a lot worse, really I was lucky that I had on long pants and not shorts or I’d surely had to make a trip to the er.


Well-Known Member
I got a bicycle ride in, cooked some chicken speidies on the grill with first Florida sweetcorn of the season, with home made potatoe salad and deviled eggs....and for desert, Black Lime Bubba and 4 Fudgcicles...maybe 5 :smile:

Picked up 3 nice porterhouse steaks and I might have my dad and my bro over for dinner tomorrow...like an outdoor distanced cookout. Or I may just eat them myself and not even feel guilty for being anti social.

Sleeping with a window open, another first for the season. A day full of firsts of the season!!

I did feel bad today. Went to the grocery for a few things. On the way out I got approached by a homeless/junkie looking young guy...no more than like 18-20. Before he could even get out "can you spare a couple dollars (for a bag of dope)" I barked at him loud "NO I DON'T" and I think I scared him...but he scared me, with no mask on! Still felt bad about it all day...I'm a pushover and usually do give them some cash.


Well-Known Member
I'm about to cut the grass. It is literally 2ft high. Then I'm going into the office to make the schedule for the coming week. Then I have 1 service call to complete. Then tomorrow I'm taking the day off to cut up some trees that fell over the winter. Then I'm relaxing. It will be my first day off since Easter, April 12th. Not including today I put in 75.5 hrs this past week.


Well-Known Member
Should have just finished the total hip arthroplasty.
Yes I should have...This is a hip resurfacing scar, with metal on metal components...It was supposed to the the hottest new thing 10 years ago, and was done by one of the top surgeons on the east coast...and I also had my left hip done a year later by the same surgeon. They are more durable than a total replacement, they claimed. Now I have elevated cobalt & chromium levels that have caused a long list of symptoms & problems...Most recently severe tinnitus, that made me want to end my life it was so bad....$6,000 Widex hearing aids saved my ass though, and reduced the tinnitus significantly.

So now they want to do 2 hip revision surgeries and replace at least one of the metal components. I'd be recovering from one of them now if not for Covid...My life has sucked every since they installed the 2nd one, near ten years ago!



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Yes I should have...This is a hip resurfacing scar, with metal on metal components...It was supposed to the the hottest new thing 10 years ago, and was done by one of the top surgeons on the east coast...and I also had my left hip done a year later by the same surgeon. They are more durable than a total replacement, they claimed. Now I have elevated cobalt & chromium levels that have caused a long list of symptoms & problems...Most recently severe tinnitus, that made me want to end my life it was so bad....$6,000 Widex hearing aids saved my ass though, and reduced the tinnitus significantly.

So now they want to do 2 hip revision surgeries and replace at least one of the metal components. I'd be recovering from one of them now if not for Covid...My life has sucked every since they installed the 2nd one, near ten years ago!

Yeah I could say so much about this. I'm sorry you're experiencing it.


Well-Known Member
Yes I should have...This is a hip resurfacing scar, with metal on metal components...It was supposed to the the hottest new thing 10 years ago, and was done by one of the top surgeons on the east coast...and I also had my left hip done a year later by the same surgeon. They are more durable than a total replacement, they claimed. Now I have elevated cobalt & chromium levels that have caused a long list of symptoms & problems...Most recently severe tinnitus, that made me want to end my life it was so bad....$6,000 Widex hearing aids saved my ass though, and reduced the tinnitus significantly.

So now they want to do 2 hip revision surgeries and replace at least one of the metal components. I'd be recovering from one of them now if not for Covid...My life has sucked every since they installed the 2nd one, near ten years ago!

Sorry you're going through it, bro.
I think I empathize even more so today, than I would have 2 days ago.
My neighbor just found out he may lose his leg from the knee down. He had a compound fracture 10 yrs ago, docs put in a plate and forgot about it. It fucked up his bone. Now they are saying he may have up to 8 more surgeries... with no guarantee of keeping his leg.
It sux but I know he'll be fine.
Take care dude.



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Staff member
Thank you...Crazy thing is, this is the 2nd time I was a guinea pig, and the first was even worse!! ....It doesn't pay to try new medical procedures until they have been proven for years, in many cases !!
You got it and was under full FDA oversight. Just imagine the mess now. Abbot's fast test is posting 50% inaccurate results but hey you get your wrong results in record time :roll:


Well-Known Member
Got rid of the goatee this morning, didn't seem like a good thing to have when it is 106 outside. Green trash can is filled with assorted greenery so deadheading the roses in front will have to wait until after trash day.
Bought a car on the 14th, decided to trim the tree it was parked under...

I filled my green can, my neighbors green can, and two 32 gallon rubbermaid trash cans I keep around for leaves to transport from the yard to the green can...lol.

Found a baby rattlesnake about halfway through filling the second green can, tried to catch and relocate the bastard, but he managed to escape. Hopefully he leaves the area, since he was thoroughly harassed here.