What did you accomplish today?

My associates all recommend cruises and say that once and you are hooked. I'd rather go to places and have a local experience. In Oahu, they serve Haole pizza (pineapple and ham). On Maui's north shore, kids 6 years of age have a surf contest in the ocean. Meanwhile, kids at the resort are terrified just listening to the waves crashing on the jetty. If you backpack, expenses can be quite manageable. I believe the cruise ship around Hawaii is a small one. When in Honolulu, a last minute cruise could be less than staying in a hotel.
I am curious. How would putting my stuff into a backpack save me money?
You couldn't pay me to take a cruise ship, especially during this PanDamnit.

Plus I've got enough sea time - don't need any more!
KC-135's were our transportation most of the time, once it got off the ground everyone would find a place around the cargo to roll up in a sleeping bag. The KC-10's had a PAX pallet with seats jam packed on them, not high on comfort. They had contract flights from the states to the desert that were about the same for leg room, it sucked. Landings were interesting because they dropped in to make sure no shoulder fired missiles could get to them. The ferry flight in a C-130 was interesting, did avoidance maneuvers the whole way there. Commercial aircraft are like Cadillac's.
I fear however that I’d be subjected to a general erosion in amenities. If someone else does not provide fresh linens daily, imo the line has been crossed from vacation to adventure. I did NOT save up for an adventure.
I hear you. My goal was to drive around Maui, Kauai and Oahu. In Kauai, the road does not circle the island. It is a 2 day hike to the other side.
Last day of holidays before I go back to work tomorrow.

Cleared a heap of crap out of the shed we're "temporarily" ;) living-in during our house build, in order to create space for another tent intended for cloning. Started to assemble the tent & discovered that one particular part is not what it's marked-as & no amount of farnarkeling will change the situation:mad:

The Mrs has been at me to do a thorough clean of all our multiple fridges over the Xmas break, so we got stuck-in. Disassembled/washed/dried all the shelves & chucked-out some shit.

Went to reassemble the complicated shelving & couldn't figure-out how to get it back together (no weed was consumed during this, so I have no excuse.....). 'Got really rather frustrated.

The Mrs sat on the floor & offered-up her female bits & asked me to offer-up my male bits to get the two to get back together....

Lo & behold, the world got better!

We also reassembled the errant fridge-bits.....:D