What did you accomplish today?

Woke up getting the lil guy ready for school ...he tried to show dad a magic trick with a quarter when I was still half asleep so he said ready dad ready dad ....I said yes and he said ok look ....I look over and he is perfectly flipping me off ...lol..thumb out and everything ...it was because his hands are so little and he was trying to hide the quarter to make it disappear ....lol priceless the lil ones are so innocent ...he couldn't figure out why dad was laughing at his magic trick and of course I said great job and didn't say anything to him cause he didn't know .......but yeah perfect bird

OH....and woke up to a spankin from the M words on the site ...I guess my photoshopping skills are no longer tolerated in this establishment .....sigh smh oh well

TTU all later off to drive the boy to school
I just use an aero cloner with tap water, never had an issue and I get 100% success. I don't add anything to the water , but I do dip the fresh cuts in a cloning solution first. Works every time.
I have an aerocloner too and I love it! I put some KLN in the water and my tap water has chlorine in it so I just change the water every few days and that works too. I wash with 6% bleach solution after every batch. My only limitation with clones is heat.
that is awesome dude!!6 reps too! what's your max if you can get 310 6 times?damn!! I have a friend in his mid 40's who was strong when he was 18.he just put up 390.said he's stronger now than when he was younger . he's got the natural lifters build,a bit on the shorter side,big chest,shorter arms.congrats man,impressive!
have not gone for a max yet I just got off my racing season where you don't want to be big at all so I really just started attacking some weight. I'd be pumped with three plates, I don't want to get to big mainly because I don't want to have to buy more clothing haha I'm only 177 so I'm happy where I'm at now but well see how bored I get in the off season or if I run arena/snow cross I'll go back to high reps low weight