What did you accomplish today?

Aww, hope she feels better.

Thanks. She'll be 4 a week from Monday and this is really the first time that she's been sick. I think I'm taking it worse than she is lol. Seems like food poisoning bit hard to say the cause but she pukes about every 30 minutes with no other symptoms. She's tired from not sleeping much to boot but in between acts normal minus being tired.
Thanks. She'll be 4 a week from Monday and this is really the first time that she's been sick. I think I'm taking it worse than she is lol. Seems like food poisoning bit hard to say the cause but she pukes about every 30 minutes with no other symptoms. She's tired from not sleeping much to boot but in between acts normal minus being tired.
What's her temperature?
I've successfully avoided going outside for the last week, except for meeting a few clients at the corner. The other night it was -12 with the windchill, I ran an ounce out to a guy. I was out for like 3 minutes, my face hurt and it was really hard to breathe. WTF? Had freezing drizzle for hours this morning on top of the last snowfall, not sure how that's even possible since it never got about 26f degrees. So now everything has a deadly glossy finish. Gotta wedding to play this evening, so I gotta go scrape off the car before heading out, and 5 more inches coming before tomorrow, when the air temp alone will be -4f. There gonna be lots o' empty bleachers tomorrow, anyone wanna buy some Bears tickets?
I was hoping you'd chime in and put my mind at ease. She was pretty good with the tongue surprisingly. She was so tired and malaise that she just laid there watching TV while I was Dr. Neo.
Compare it to her axillary if you are ever in doubt Dr :D Kids are amazingly resilient much more so than us (old farts). Ugh I hated it when my kids were sick. I can imagine all kinds of terrors, seeing hoof prints and imagining zebras.
Isn't that the truth and the birds need it in winter. Eagles are amazing. When I lived in Big Bear we had a large family of Bald Eagles that lived by the dumpster. They are very smart.

My ravens enjoyed the turkey left overs from Thanksgiving. They land on my patio swing and gruk to call me to bring them breakfast. Although I actually have a video of one of them calling me by name (Vinnie's sibling).
Had a male eagle grab a hen the other day. The hen fought it off. I walked out and scared the eagle but the hen was holding her own. Weird how animals fight when they are in fear for their life.