What did you accomplish today?

Yeah, I really like the rural National Forest Campgrounds. It's been a while since I went camping with the family, we have too many pets to leave home these days (over a dozen chickens, 3 cats, and the dog -- plus we just brought in a feral pregnant cat who had 5 kittens that are now a few weeks old).

Stanislaus River Campground is one of my favorite places is the state to camp at, and it's pretty rural. $12/night, first come first served.
Shhhhhh, :lol::lol:
I live in the east where there are no real predators. Do you western people pack guns on camping trips? I take my dog on late night hikes deep into the woods and I usually don't even take a knife. I'm much more worried about weirdo humans than animals. We have black bears, but I'd choke out one of those pussies if it wanted to tango.
I don't own any firearms, and have never packed one camping. You just gotta be sure to put your food in a bear locker, if you're staying in bear country. The worst run in I ever had camping was when a raccoon tried to break into my tent, because it was a hike in camp site, so we brought food into our tent. In the middle of the night, I woke up to hear racoons circling the tent. One of the fuckers ripped a small hole in the tent trying to get in, until I grabbed a cast iron pan, and wacked him on the nose. Fucking coons can be viscous.
I live in the east where there are no real predators. Do you western people pack guns on camping trips? I take my dog on late night hikes deep into the woods and I usually don't even take a knife. I'm much more worried about weirdo humans than animals. We have black bears, but I'd choke out one of those pussies if it wanted to tango.
Wrong! That bear would tear your ass apart if you wanted to fight them, lol. I deal with them all the time. And you better be smart if you try to scare one away, :mrgreen:

How east are you, lol?

Our CO bears are smart as hell. They know trash day, how to get into unlocked vehicles, garages, yada yada yada, :lol::lol:
I don't own any firearms, and have never packed one camping. You just gotta be sure to put your food in a bear locker, if you're staying in bear country. The worst run in I ever had camping was when a raccoon tried to break into my tent, because it was a hike in camp site, so we brought food into our tent. In the middle of the night, I woke up to hear racoons circling the tent. One of the fuckers ripped a small hole in the tent trying to get in, until I grabbed a cast iron pan, and wacked him on the nose. Fucking coons can be viscous.
Why you have to mention raccoons, lol. Squirrels will rip through shit too to get your nuts, :grin:

Once I caught a bunch of trout and threw the guts behind our camp. Like 10 raccoons were all over that shit when it got dark. The dude next to our site had a dog. He let the dog out right when we were going to walk to the bathroom so I had this super fucking bright spotlight in my hand that was still turned off.

I heard yelping and the dude busted out of his tent to save his dog and let him in the tent. I said "Is he OK!" As I clicked this spotlight on him.

He yelled "What the Fuck" and jumped in his tent. His dumbass was naked, lol.

Anyways that dude left early the next day, :lol:
Wrong! That bear would tear your ass apart if you wanted to fight them, lol. I deal with them all the time. And you better be smart if you try to scare one away, :mrgreen:

How east are you, lol?

Our CO bears are smart as hell. They know trash day, how to get into unlocked vehicles, garages, yada yada yada, :lol::lol:
It might tear your ass apart, but a black bear wouldn't have the stones to even square up with me. There would be full blown psychological warfare from the moment we locked eyes. Nothing would be off limits as far as shit talking goes either. I would insult its wife and cubs, and flaunt my material possessions while belittling it for living below the poverty line. I might even wing a Monster energy drink at it to rattle what's left of its disheveled psyche. The fight would be over before it even began.
It might tear your ass apart, but a black bear wouldn't have the stones to even square up with me. There would be full blown psychological warfare from the moment we locked eyes. Nothing would be off limits as far as shit talking goes either. I would insult its wife and cubs, and flaunt my material possessions while belittling it for living below the poverty line. I might even wing a Monster energy drink at it to rattle what's left of its disheveled psyche. The fight would be over before it even began.
I've lived with them for 22 years and have them in my front yard weekly. I'd like to see that with a couple I've bumped into over the years. Most are timid and run off at the slightest yell but then you get the ones that just don't give a shit and bluff charge right at you and stop about 10 feet away blowing and grunting tearing up the ground. There a little more fun at 3 am in the pitch black with nobody else around. Not sure they're gonna be too worried about your energy drink can when I've seen them not flinch from a 10 mm round going off right next to their feet but hey it's worth a shot. Here's 20' off my front porch last year and a medium size bear. About 300+ lbs.big boy.JPG
It might tear your ass apart, but a black bear wouldn't have the stones to even square up with me. There would be full blown psychological warfare from the moment we locked eyes. Nothing would be off limits as far as shit talking goes either. I would insult its wife and cubs, and flaunt my material possessions while belittling it for living below the poverty line. I might even wing a Monster energy drink at it to rattle what's left of its disheveled psyche. The fight would be over before it even began.
I'm not a lawyer, but I'm sure they would recommend that you make a will.
I live in the east where there are no real predators. Do you western people pack guns on camping trips? I take my dog on late night hikes deep into the woods and I usually don't even take a knife. I'm much more worried about weirdo humans than animals. We have black bears, but I'd choke out one of those pussies if it wanted to tango.

I hear there’s a middle aged weirdo creepy dude that sits in front of the kum n go on his one wheel in conifer, creeping out any female within a miles range.
Kodiak Bear - they get a whole lot bigger than that guy.
I'll take what I have any day over those guys. I used to really want to hunt one of them, until I got old enough to realize there's just no reason to kill such a magnificent top predator. I'd still love to go on a photography trip to see them though. Truly spectacular animal....at a safe distance lol.