What did you accomplish today?

Yes, it's a Franzetta, he's the bomb IMHO of fantasy art - was introduced to him through the Robert E. Howard's Conan paperback series as a youngen.
He was the master in that genre of paintings ! Love his work
Played a round, the 4th now since fire, at Plumas Lake. I just barely kept it in the 80’s.
a few weeks ago i played a round at a different course sober because i had to drive, had to swing by home depot on the way home. Shot a 84. I was pretty buzzed today. Can’t wait for the next round.

84....wow ! I'm more like 120....I f'ing suck. I refer to the game as " Whack-Fuck "
( ya whack the ball then scream fuck ! ) . Hey , you weren't playing a Par 3 , were ya?...............Yuk-yuk-yuk.
Hopefully no broken nose?
Ah fuck few times just this year. Thats just from my psycho blackout brother sucker punching. Fyi dont drink with him. Weed ok. Few beers ok. Once hes past that you cant even sit quiet not say anything and he wants to fight. I like to chill, fight if i have to. Not spas and ruin the night. Only punk ive knocked out in two hits out my fights. All bare kunckle... Whatever ok ill post - burp
Ah fuck few times just this year. Thats just from my psycho blackout brother sucker punching. Fyi dont drink with him. Weed ok. Few beers ok. Once hes past that you cant even sit quiet not say anything and he wants to fight. I like to chill, fight if i have to. Not spas and ruin the night. Only punk ive knocked out in two hits out my fights. All bare kunckle... Whatever ok ill post - burp
That's exactly where I don't wanna be.
Just wanna Chill.
Ah fuck few times just this year. Thats just from my psycho blackout brother sucker punching. Fyi dont drink with him. Weed ok. Few beers ok. Once hes past that you cant even sit quiet not say anything and he wants to fight. I like to chill, fight if i have to. Not spas and ruin the night. Only punk ive knocked out in two hits out my fights. All bare kunckle... Whatever ok ill post - burp
I have a younger half brother like that, but he's 50 now and has slowed down a lot. He's a lot bigger and tougher than me, and luckily he never wanted to fight me as he has these freakishly huge hands and can take a punch. Worked as a roofer his whole life and he has so many scars on his head it's insane.
I have a younger half brother like that, but he's 50 now and has slowed down a lot. He's a lot bigger and tougher than me, and luckily he never wanted to fight me as he has these freakishly huge hands and can take a punch. Worked as a roofer his whole life and he has so many scars on his head it's insane.
The scars are from lessons he hadn't learned yet.
I have a younger half brother like that, but he's 50 now and has slowed down a lot. He's a lot bigger and tougher than me, and luckily he never wanted to fight me as he has these freakishly huge hands and can take a punch. Worked as a roofer his whole life and he has so many scars on his head it's insane.
we should do a count and compare. Least thats what the hair ladies say. Wow you have a lot of scars are you sure you want it this short
I have a younger half brother like that, but he's 50 now and has slowed down a lot. He's a lot bigger and tougher than me, and luckily he never wanted to fight me as he has these freakishly huge hands and can take a punch. Worked as a roofer his whole life and he has so many scars on his head it's insane.
I'd love to give my brother a scar or five!
Been trying for like an hour to get a wifi security cam to work & I keep getting shut down.
Ok, Fu@k Off asshole - it'll wait until sober tomorrow.

" Can't get this f'ing thing to f'ing work.......fuck ! Fuck it ! " ...........that's my new middle name......... or perhaps I just don't feel like f'ing , with that kinda shit , besides , I gotta go roll a fatty , fly my kite and play in the gorge creek.... (.love a mini-hydro'-electric set-up ).....somewhere in that pea soup head of mine , I remember that a while back ago I got shit going...." easy - smeezy "
( yes Old Farts , there is no 3rd adjective these days............however........makes me think of the
the very old " Bugs Bunny " cartoons about WWII " .
Ya got " the world on a string " , except for the dirty windows . Ya sound like one happy stoner dude...
I was thinking, damn, I remember when I had that kind of energy. Now at 60 if I get 2-4 hours of work in, I am DONE!!

I haven't left the house yet today and it's 4 pm, but I did make a phone call and got a killer nap in!! Hoping to make it to the grocery store for some sour cream! If this coffee kicks in!!

Last night I made baked potatoes....I always always have sour cream and butter on them. Well the sour cream was nasty looking, like it froze....Soooo, a little Thousand Island dressing was substituted. I don't recommend!
Ya got " the world on a string " , except for the dirty windows . Ya sound like one happy stoner dude...
Just happy to have finally wrapped up the exterior of our house. Still have to build a bed for our blueberry bushes and design and build a fence but those are lower down on the honey do list. Actually itching to setup a tent and CC rack some seeds I bought awhile back now that I have a to little more time and no more contractors in our house.