What did you accomplish today?

That's from the homeland, I'm talking about fancy shit from Spain.

Mexican Chorzo con papa, bomb..
Fuck the huevo, I never add any, unless I'm cooking for alot of people and I don't want to use all my chorizo.

Hell yea, you slice that as thin as you want.
My grandma would mix chorizo in the frejoles! Psssssshhh it was over. I can go to town on that and tortillas and be happy.
LOL gangsta!! I still hope for a clone of Green Crack from you
I gotta ask my buddy if he still has it.(he should still have it)I gave him all my strains when I moved. I managed to get gg#4 . Screenshot_2017-04-26-21-20-59.pngI also planted some seeds I made last year....Screenshot_2017-04-29-21-32-15.png
Yeah and I just did in the scramble I made this morning. Yeah @mr sunshine I cut it with eggs, I'm going to hell mijo
I've never ate reynaldos cured chorizo. I'm going to have to pick some up