What did you accomplish today?

All Ninja bows are for Neo,,,however a normal bow of appreciation/respect would be just fine.......I'm not saying C2G isn't a ninja, I just havnt come to that conclusion yet....and as I'm sure you know, I'm the authority on the bows around here.

Please label your bows so Neo doesn't kill you. He chops fingers off for fun ((not the kinda guy you wana fuck with))

That's why I asked bro.

Hey did you find out what your nephew was up to with the paint ball gun?
All Ninja bows are for Neo,,,however a normal bow of appreciation/respect would be just fine.......I'm not saying C2G isn't a ninja, I just havnt come to that conclusion yet....and as I'm sure you know, I'm the authority on the bows around here.

Please label your bows so Neo doesn't kill you. He chops fingers off for fun ((not the kinda guy you wana fuck with))

Besides I'm a carpenter if I lost fingers to a ninga no one would believe me, so you can't be to careful you know.
@curious2garden I bet you can't guess what I'm doing today..(Smile)

Big hug where I pic you up and spin around and everything :hump:

Of course it has nothing to do with growing....because I'm taking a few years off ....just to busy with work and writing lyrics to become a rapper. Il continue to copy paste google images for my grow stuff like always though .....I'm really good with photoshop

BTW, weather has been shit here going on 2 months now. Staying around 40 with record rainfall. Farm is a muddy mess and I'm still getting deer reports daily. Our spring doesn't usually drag this long.

Weather just turned where I'm at as well. I can't believe how strange it's been here this year. Seems it finally changed for the better ....I got my allergies somewhat under control so as a fellow cattle rancher/farmer you know that means busting ass until next winter ......I'm kinda glad I'm not growing this year TBH,, I don't think I'd have the time with all the work I have to do this year on the ranch .....((oh well)) maybe il plant one down by the river on my property for shits and giggles.

Have a good day buddy
Since it was born in the kitchen and she spends more time in there than any of us it took to her, thinks she's it's second mom. The only person it's friendly with.

That's cool...I remember hand feeding my little baby doves ....they would do there little whistle as soon as I'd walk in the room....then when they would start flying they would literally be landing on my shoulders before I even sat down to feed em.....but a virus killed my whole Avery full ((sucks))
I burnt brush all day yesterday, on the hottest day we've had so far. I'm missing hair on one arm from getting to close to the fire, my neck is, literally, purple from a sunburn, I dropped a big fucking log on my foot so now it's all swollen and I can't get my boots on, I punctured my thumb on a stick, I lost the joint I had and I'm pretty sure I had heat stroke by the time I was done. My back tightened up the minute I got in the shower and I couldn't move for what had to have been 10 minutes, and I swear every muscle in my body cramped up at some point over the next couple hours.

Now, I've never used cannabis topicals, but I had some infused coconut oil I wasn't using, because edibles don't do shit to me, so I pretty much basted myself with it and and within about a half hour I felt fine. I applied it once more before going to bed. The sunburn didn't even bother me at all last night, I slept great. I thought it would be good for the muscle pain, didn't really think it would do much for the sunburn but it did. My knees didn't even hurt when I got up, which I can't remember the last time that happened. Looks like my next batch of trim is getting used to make some type of salve/ointment/cream. Gotta go find some recipes.
My edibles would curl your toes!
Dispensaries never sell anything strong enough for me, but my homemade "ultra strength" butter hits the spot, big time.
this is grounds for an immediate ban you know.

Don't worry I still plan on copy pasting from google and pretending it's my shit ......I'm not totally out of the grow thing this year.

Sometimes you gotta look into things a little harder to get the whole story .

Here's a pic of @DavidKratos92 .....for a visual on things aren't always what they seem .....sometimes you gotta look close and take time to reflect on what people are saying.........il make it up next year though
I've never had an edible that I felt anything from :? I just figured they were for light weights..
Don't challenge me like that jerry (lol)....if you haven't experienced legit edibles ....I suggest you look I to learning how to make some .....if your interested in trying il PM you my friends recipe that will rock your world ........or if your good at working on lawn mowers and baby sitting you can come eat some of mine and il show you why my name on here is so fitting .....just gotta drive from Florida to Cali ...no biggy

For real you gotta get some bomb edibles to experience.