What did you accomplish today?

small engines aren't really my thing, but there didn't seem to be any obstruction. what should i be checking?

Pull the plug and see if it is fouled and that you are getting good spark. Plug the spark plug in and hold to the frame while someone cranks it. You want to see orange and blue spark. Organge only and you need a new plug.

You only need air, fuel and spark for it to run. Sounds like fuel and air are ok.
A buddy always has a boxer, his next to last one died and he got a boxer puppy shortly after, a month later he has his son. 3 yrs later the dog is the boy's, they are inseparable
Great dogs. I love Huskies, too, but they can be wild as hell. Used to have a red one named Rex. He used to get outside the chain link fence at night, and in the morning, he'd be right outside the gate with two dead chickens, blood and feathers everywhere. The farmer got him at a distance with either salt peter or birdshot one time. He recovered alright. He was a good dog, though.
I smoked even more of the last of my weed. Made a pot roast and a desert for dinner. My partner did the bulk of the cooking. I played with the flavors til shit was just right. And I planted some pumpkins outside. Because they were sprouting from inside the pumpkin I cut open for dinner.
Pumpkins? Oh yeah, you are in Australia, correct? So it's November down there lol
I'm going out to try tilling a new garden plot. About 30x60? , maybe a little bigger. It's all old lawn and thickly matted. It's going to suck, I only have a front tine tiller. I'm going to see if I can make a ground ripper for my ride on mower to tear it up. Breaking sod blows. Wish my roommate was here, I'd just go rip it up in his truck.