What did you accomplish today?

Holy Shit Fuck!

I just realized I turned 63 an hour ago. Well, that's going to be today's biggest accomplishment.

Other than painting the laundry room, the work must continue. Plenty of time to celebrate later when everything's done.

I can't wait to start some seeds.

Congrats on another year - you must be doing something right my friend. :cool:
Holy Shit Fuck!

I just realized I turned 63 an hour ago. Well, that's going to be today's biggest accomplishment.

Other than painting the laundry room, the work must continue. Plenty of time to celebrate later when everything's done.

I can't wait to start some seeds.

Happy birthday Tang....hope you have a good day and I sent up a penis shaped balloon packed with goodies, it's headed your your erection ....I mean direction.

Updates on the pepper garden are in order BTW.

Well I'm guna dabble a bit more and eat some of these Mexican coconut flavored ice creams .....got em two for a dollar ....I bought a dozen .....after the munchies set in, I'm sure il eat them all ....probably have the screaming shits tomorrow ....but well worth it imvho.

Good night guys and gals

Bacon penis,vagina,dick
Donated plasma today

Regained my best customer recently. He stopped coming around couple months ago, and my pocket really felt the hit. I thought he may have gotten busted, but I found out he met another local connect. Fuck. I finally enticed him back with a sit down taste test of all four of my strains to compare to this other dude's shit, and offered him a 10% discount. He stated that it was clearly a better deal, and he's been coming around on the regular again. I'm glad I didn't have to suck his dick, but I was prepared to...