What did you accomplish today?

Oh, and the other night when i was hammered and posting all kinds of shit, i was posting about my grandpa. Searching the web all kinds more shit is showing up just here recently. That night, i found a military website with a forum of some dude who found his canteen. They were saying how he was pow for almost the whole war and man, I WANT THAT CANTEEN!!!

I registered on the site. It won't let me view that thread, or any other while signed in let alone post or anything else. I'm pissed. Piece of shit forum! Gotta get through. Hopefully the dude didn't sell it yet or anything. The thread was from last October.
Oh, and the other night when i was hammered and posting all kinds of shit, i was posting about my grandpa. Searching the web all kinds more shit is showing up just here recently. That night, i found a military website with a forum of some dude who found his canteen. They were saying how he was pow for almost the whole war and man, I WANT THAT CANTEEN!!!

I registered on the site. It won't let me view that thread, or any other while signed in let alone post or anything else. I'm pissed. Piece of shit forum! Gotta get through. Hopefully the dude didn't sell it yet or anything. The thread was from last October.
Damn I hope you can acquire that canteen somehow bro.

Time for some super colds or what? I just grabbed one, but it wasnt a super cold so I threw it back bra
Oh, and the other night when i was hammered and posting all kinds of shit, i was posting about my grandpa. Searching the web all kinds more shit is showing up just here recently. That night, i found a military website with a forum of some dude who found his canteen. They were saying how he was pow for almost the whole war and man, I WANT THAT CANTEEN!!!

I registered on the site. It won't let me view that thread, or any other while signed in let alone post or anything else. I'm pissed. Piece of shit forum! Gotta get through. Hopefully the dude didn't sell it yet or anything. The thread was from last October.

Dude that's awesome, I hope you get your hands on it. That is a great tell of heroism , it made me think of my grandpa and the stuff he wouldn't tell us about the war.
Dude that's awesome, I hope you get your hands on it. That is a great tell of heroism , it made me think of my grandpa and the stuff he wouldn't tell us about the war.
Thanks guys, he was practically my father growing up. Lived less than a mile down the street from us. The dude had it real bad during that war. Didn't talk much about it died when i was in the 8th grade. Awesome dude. Gotta get that canteen!

In the thread they weren't sure if he was death marched. He was. He escaped and was on the run for 2 months before he was shot while recaptured :-(
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Tore out and replaced another bathroom floor today. That's the 8th one this year.

Whoever replaced the toilet broke the flange too, so I had to cut it out and replace it. They also reused the old wax ring and tried to caulk the hell out of it so it wouldn't leak and the toilet they used was the biggest one I've ever seen. They had to cut a hole in the wall so the tank would fit, then they caulked around it. They're probably the same person who tried to fix the tub drain leak by adding another rubber washer on top of the old rotten one.

Just got done laying cardboard between my rows in the garden and then a layer of mulch.

I am going to build a manifold out of pvc and put a drip line down each row.

As you all remember I have a couple 300 gallon rain tanks. I have a cast iron pump. I can put it on a timer.

I won't have to weed or ho the garden all season. Easy watering.

Work smarter, not harder.
Cardboard works like landscaping fabric to prevent weeds? That's cool.
(I realize it has to be replaced every year.)
The ac hasn't been working right on my truck. The fucker wouldn't cool when I was on idle. And It's been pissing me off because it's getting hot around here. I looked up a couple of YouTube vids and got to troubleshooting. Turns out the fan to the compressor had a bad connection. All I had to do was disconnect it and clean it. Then I plugged it back in and boom the fan turned on! Now my shit is cold as fuck!
I went golfing today and had to wear a hoodie! I doubt if it ever hit 70.
This is the coolest weather we have had in a long time. I've got 11 cannabis plants outside and could use some fucking sun!
If i taped for a living you better believe I'd own a bazooka though :-D

I don't :-(

No biggie for small jobs like this though.

I don't like to use a bazooka on small jobs anyway, to much to clean up. I will definitely use one on 100 board+ lol
On second thought I hope I never have to use one again .
My grandpa wouldn't talk about it either.

The only time I ever heard him mention it was when one of his friends would come by and he would make us go play and we might catch a word or two . I think they would be talking about someone that had just passed away bc they would talk and cry and drink and cry . It must have been really fucked up bc he told us some really messed up stories about doing relief work like dead bodies and body parts and shit like that , but never about the war.