What did you accomplish today?

I had my annual physical & blood work yesterday. Today nurse called and said to lower salt use and avoid high cholesterol foods and they're scheduling me for a colonoscopy.

Damn Obamacare.

On a brighter note, I fucking splurged and got color keyed seat covers for my new truck.
$2.99 each on sale (and bath size, no less).
I got hit by an older (65+), asian, lyft driver, (think Mr miyagi) with young, white, ginger-haired hippie passenger (carrot top with shoulder length curly hair and a tye dye) while at a stop light in rush hour traffic.

I put the car in park, turned on the hazards, stepped out, checked the bumper for damage (none), turned around, and finally realized who actually hit me.

Old dude has an unreadable expression. Hippie looks nervous. I gave them a thumbs up and got back in the car.

Needless to say, I learned that even professional drivers will hit a stationary car, and probably gave that ginger one hell of a story.
I had my annual physical & blood work yesterday. Today nurse called and said to lower salt use and avoid high cholesterol foods and they're scheduling me for a colonoscopy.

Damn Obamacare.

On a brighter note, I fucking splurged and got color keyed seat covers for my new truck.
$2.99 each on sale (and bath size, no less).
View attachment 3961223
Make sure you're sufficiently doped up for your colonoscopy or you'll be sorry.
I've had two of them.
I don't remember much about the first one.
The second was *very* unpleasant... :shock: :o :-(
Make sure you're sufficiently doped up for your colonoscopy or you'll be sorry.
I've had two of them.
I don't remember much about the first one.
The second was *very* unpleasant... :shock: :o :-(


I had 2 or 3 previously and I don't remember a fucking thing, but they told me I was talking and actually told me a couple things I said. I remember none of that.

That was a little unnerving, there are things we shouldn't talk about and who knows what drugs they're giving you. So now I worry about saying something about weed or plants. Stress already, can't win. Lol.
Make sure you're sufficiently doped up for your colonoscopy or you'll be sorry.
I've had two of them.
I don't remember much about the first one.
The second was *very* unpleasant... :shock: :o :-(
I had to get one. They tried sedating me but I just wouldn't go down. They gave me more and more and then said they couldn't legally give me anymore.

I stayed awake (super fucked up) and watched the whole thing. Talked about really strange shit (apparently) with the doctors.

My brother In law works at the hospital and saw me being wheeled out. The nurse was like "this guy would NOT go down. We gave him a ton of drugs."

Brother in law says "he's used to it."
I had to get one. They tried sedating me but I just wouldn't go down. They gave me more and more and then said they couldn't legally give me anymore.

I stayed awake (super fucked up) and watched the whole thing. Talked about really strange shit (apparently) with the doctors.

My brother In law works at the hospital and saw me being wheeled out. The nurse was like "this guy would NOT go down. We gave him a ton of drugs."

Brother in law says "he's used to it."
I got DP'd. Fucking endoscopy and colonoscopy consecutively. Thank God for Versed and Fentanyl. I woke up two hours later with no recollection of where I was (VA hospital) or ability to feel shit, let alone stand.
I got DP'd. Fucking endoscopy and colonoscopy consecutively. Thank God for Versed and Fentanyl. I woke up two hours later with no recollection of where I was (VA hospital) or ability to feel shit, let alone stand.

I remember coming to and not being able to move my mouth to ask a question. Or move my hands.

It's a creepy experience. But it can save your ass so you do it.

I have heard there's a couple different drug combos. One works better but it's expensive and the goddamn insurance companies want the cheaper one used or they won't pay.

Which could be what happened with you guys who remember shit. Fucking greedy CEO's strike again.
I had my annual physical & blood work yesterday. Today nurse called and said to lower salt use and avoid high cholesterol foods and they're scheduling me for a colonoscopy.

Damn Obamacare.

On a brighter note, I fucking splurged and got color keyed seat covers for my new truck.
$2.99 each on sale (and bath size, no less).
View attachment 3961223

Picked up some new seat covers myself. Just got them yesterday at kmart :-)
The 3 helm seats stick up pretty high, and I get all kinds of bugs and other shit on them when i haul the boat 2 hrs like i'm doing again this morning. Putting on that boat cover i got is a pain in the ass.

Picked up some new seat covers myself. Just got them yesterday at kmart :-)
The 3 helm seats stick up pretty high, and I get all kinds of bugs and other shit on them when i haul the boat 2 hrs like i'm doing again this morning. Putting on that boat cover i got is a pain in the ass.
View attachment 3961365

Lol. I went to Kmart too for the towels.

That's a kick ass boat, man!

You pull that with a half ton? Is it heavy? Looks loaded :smile:.
Lol. I went to Kmart too for the towels.

That's a kick ass boat, man!

You pull that with a half ton? Is it heavy? Looks loaded :smile:.
Thanks bro!
My half ton is actually more like a 5/8 ton :P
No really though, its a 1500hd. 3/4 running gear on a slightly taller frame than a 1/2 ton. Pulls it just fine with the 6.0 and 4L80 tran :-)
One of my last boats was a 23' trophy. Heavier than shit, but had no problem either.
Heard a loud peeping last night and didn't think much of it, woke up and could still hear it. Went walking around the yard and found this little guy.
View attachment 3960740

I didn't know a baby sparrow could be so loud. It must've been blown out of it's nest during one of the storms. Tried looking for the nest/parents with no luck. We got it to eat and drink a little.

Mr.sunshine needs to take better care of his children.

On a serious note that's a really cool pic 420....my dad use to rehab owls and hawks a long time ago .....it's hard to save lots of kinds of wild birds besides pigeons and doves,as you know.....so him eating and drinking is a positive good thing ....bet your wife was absolutely thrilled you got another bird...lol

Very cool
Make sure you're sufficiently doped up for your colonoscopy or you'll be sorry.
I've had two of them.
I don't remember much about the first one.
The second was *very* unpleasant... :shock: :o :-(

I had 2 or 3 previously and I don't remember a fucking thing, but they told me I was talking and actually told me a couple things I said. I remember none of that.

That was a little unnerving, there are things we shouldn't talk about and who knows what drugs they're giving you. So now I worry about saying something about weed or plants. Stress already, can't win. Lol.
I had to get one. They tried sedating me but I just wouldn't go down. They gave me more and more and then said they couldn't legally give me anymore.

I stayed awake (super fucked up) and watched the whole thing. Talked about really strange shit (apparently) with the doctors.

My brother In law works at the hospital and saw me being wheeled out. The nurse was like "this guy would NOT go down. We gave him a ton of drugs."

Brother in law says "he's used to it."
I got DP'd. Fucking endoscopy and colonoscopy consecutively. Thank God for Versed and Fentanyl. I woke up two hours later with no recollection of where I was (VA hospital) or ability to feel shit, let alone stand.

WTF? What's this about being knocked out for a colonoscopy? I've had 2 and only got a mild sedative to relax me One was no prob, one of them I felt like that fucking thing was going to rip out of my gut like a spring coming unwound. I was awake and watching the monitor the whole time, talking to a nurse. Got a good laugh from one nurse when I told them to keep an eye out for the frog king...
Thanks bro!
My half ton is actually more like a 5/8 ton :P
No really though, its a 1500hd. 3/4 running gear on a slightly taller frame than a 1/2 ton. Pulls it just fine with the 6.0 and 4L80 tran :-)
One of my last boats was a 23' trophy. Heavier than shit, but had no problem either.

I had a 18' trophy cabin cubby with t-top and it was heavy for a single axle trailer.

At the same time I had a 23' Sting Ray cabin cubby and it was heavy on a duel axle trailer .

Now I have a 20' ski and cruise on duel axle, I use a 3/4 ton and no problems.

Most of the reservoirs near us have sketchy landings or they are closed at night . So I usually only fish at night.

I had 2 or 3 previously and I don't remember a fucking thing, but they told me I was talking and actually told me a couple things I said. I remember none of that.

That was a little unnerving, there are things we shouldn't talk about and who knows what drugs they're giving you. So now I worry about saying something about weed or plants. Stress already, can't win. Lol.
Yeah those aliens are pretty good at wiping yer memory after an anal probe ;)
WTF? What's this about being knocked out for a colonoscopy? I've had 2 and only got a mild sedative to relax me One was no prob, one of them I felt like that fucking thing was going to rip out of my gut like a spring coming unwound. I was awake and watching the monitor the whole time, talking to a nurse. Got a good laugh from one nurse when I told them to keep an eye out for the frog king...
That is one of the best episodes of south park!