What did you accomplish today?

Sunshine is a pussycat, fear unclebuck. So what are you planning to do with your baby momma? If you need some recipes for long pig @Singlemalt has a few.

PS actually sunshine is a canary (death from above) yeah so I guess you're dead, can I have your tomatoes?

Funny part is Annie ...I actually feel a bit strange even teasing about my Dia crush...I've always been so happy with my wife and kids and family ....I couldn't imagine life without em ....even raising my older sis after our mom passed ....wouldn't have it any other way .......I guess it's a good thing I think about my wife,boys and family even when I'm just being a dork and playing around on here......I picked a good one IRL ....she's gorgeous and thankfully is better looking than me .....so my boys are handsome as well .....that's enough being a softy

Pretty sure I called myself a dork ....which if I'm not mistaken ....is a whales penis o_O
I see your not taking this to well, let me share a story with you. This one time dia and I were all fucked up and she thought she rolled a blunt, but she was just confused because we were all fucked up. The blunt she was looking for was the one we smoked the night before. So I tell her "that was a different dia"...and we laughed. Since then our soul's have been intertwined.

Go to hell sunshine .....straight to hell .....she touched your leg ....I know she touched your leg


She touched my leg ....(((kill him)))

Favorite movie of all time dude ..lol

Long day at work and tending my tomatoes ....the heat just drains my energy .....off to bed to get up and repeat it all tomorrow ......good night guys and gals.

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So today proof there are decent people in this world and God cares. Some random nice lady payed over $350 and got me a room at motel 6 for 1 week. So im out of that damn tent prays the Lord. I almost broke down crying when this lady got me the room. Im still speachless sitting here watching tv.

I like you, dude. Your life makes me feel really, really good about my own. Thanks for that...
Had a friend I used to do stupid shit with.

I grew up and he never changed. Went to college and graduated with me even. But kept up the same shit (shoplifting, graffiti, drugs etc)

I just found out he died in a low level offender jail the other day.

Extremely talented artist. Sucks.

But it made me happy with the life I chose.

A lot of my old friends made fun of me when I was going to school and changing my dead end path.

@Drowning-Man you need to get that chicken murdering job and not die in a low level jail. I'm rooting for you man.
I knocked my fan over last night and snapped one of my bigger plants main stem, which was supposed to go into flower this weekend, about 2 inches above the soil...:cry:. I lost almost 90% of it, a few smaller branches on the bottom survived, everything else was crispy this morning. I even tried splinting and wrapping the break in wet paper to try saving it. FML..easily lost a QP with that F UP...:cuss:
I knocked my fan over last night and snapped one of my bigger plants main stem, which was supposed to go into flower this weekend, about 2 inches above the soil...:cry:. I lost almost 90% of it, a few smaller branches on the bottom survived, everything else was crispy this morning. I even tried splinting and wrapping the break in wet paper to try saving it. FML..easily lost a QP with that F UP...:cuss:
