What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Got other half of garage ceiling up, 90% done except for intricate trim areas and seam trim... taking 3 days off work for holiday weekend...may hit Lowe's Memorial Day sale though, mama didn't raise no fool ;-)


It's amazing how we got square on one end and lost it near the last couple joists. My dear old dad built this with 3 other guys during the 'great steel strike of 1959'. Dad was the lead carpenter, an old Italian guy was lead brick layer, the other two guys were beer guzzling laborers and they drank and built shit. I still remember one of the laborers saying something about blueprints to Dad. "I don't need no goddamned blueprints to build something." Gotta love those old guys!


Nothing a few trim strips won't cover...
Back at it Tuesday 7:00 AM

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
My brother in law gave me a car cam (he bought a box of 'em from overseas) and I am going to install it today. Never used one before, seems ok, hope to never need it. I guess I have to go and buy a TF card because it is smaller than MicroSD?

Edit + Note to Self: That horrible squealing noise it makes when you plug it into a usb port is because that port is more than 5v :)
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Well-Known Member
So cat ladies frienss think they can rob me.

Let us see how this goes

I black flag up all day.

Let us see what happens. Told her after last night things mag get bad.

Nrw rules are happening


Well-Known Member
Take me for money. J3sus, these perps are reaching.

I sell crack for a living and thet think i will get tsken over a fucking gram??

Holy fuck


Well-Known Member
I dont even di this stuff but titties make me wild.

I have a feeling in 2 hours i goyta ahoot someone

I fucking hate west end srug addicts


Well-Known Member
Gunna tske my money? Fucking laughable.

I am so mad. I tokd cat lady i wilk ahoot her and her parents if shit go awry.

Srs gunna kill a few kids. It aint a game.

Coxaine is great but fuck u hoodrsts