What did you accomplish today?

Shake your penis to the left, shake your penis to the right, stick a finger in your butthole make sure that it's tight.
View attachment 3988106 View attachment 3988107 View attachment 3988108 View attachment 3988109 View attachment 3988110 View attachment 3988111 View attachment 3988113 View attachment 3988114
My turtle dick is finally gone! I missed some of you guys a lot. Others not so much.

I have some fun stories for you guys. :)
Hello, Glad you're back... I've turned a new leaf since you've been gone, i'm hella nice now. Great talking to you, God bless....
Shake your penis to the left, shake your penis to the right, stick a finger in your butthole make sure that it's tight.
View attachment 3988106 View attachment 3988107 View attachment 3988108 View attachment 3988109 View attachment 3988110 View attachment 3988111 View attachment 3988113 View attachment 3988114
My turtle dick is finally gone! I missed some of you guys a lot. Others not so much.

I have some fun stories for you guys. :)

Good to see you back...I will adjust my avatar accordingly .

...Good Night guys/gals

Guess who's back.....back again, Bob is back..... Bob is back...... Bob is back .....


Where's my papers

Oh, I'm still on here

Shake your penis to the left, shake your penis to the right, stick a finger in your butthole make sure that it's tight.
View attachment 3988106 View attachment 3988107 View attachment 3988108 View attachment 3988109 View attachment 3988110 View attachment 3988111 View attachment 3988113 View attachment 3988114
My turtle dick is finally gone! I missed some of you guys a lot. Others not so much.

I have some fun stories for you guys. :)
Welcome back!! This place hasn't been the same without you, ok almost the same just not as funny..
Shake your penis to the left, shake your penis to the right, stick a finger in your butthole make sure that it's tight.
View attachment 3988106 View attachment 3988107 View attachment 3988108 View attachment 3988109 View attachment 3988110 View attachment 3988111 View attachment 3988113 View attachment 3988114
My turtle dick is finally gone! I missed some of you guys a lot. Others not so much.

I have some fun stories for you guys. :)

Welcome back, bro. I no longer like turtles...

I needed an inspection sticker on my car by yesterday, I procrastinate so that didn't happen. I thought it needed a tie rod so I decided to throw it up on jack stands and go through it yesterday, check everything, clean, lube, and adjust the brakes, air filter, lube the chassis, oil change. Well I noticed why it could never be aligned and pulls, my drivers side lower control arm is pushed back on the bushings almost 1/2", frame is fine, its just shifted on the bushings, almost like someone replaced the bushingn and didn't set it correctly. I know the car had driven over something before i got it, I had it on a lift to inspect before I bought it but I never noticed this. Neither did any of the half dozen shops I had look at it to figure out why it wouldn't align right. So I say FUCK IT! I'm gonna pull the control arm and press the bushings back into place and run it....yeah right.

I spent about 2 hours trying to get the damn nut of the ball joint. The hex they put in them for an Allen wrench is all corroded so i can't keep it from spinning. I saw a shit ton of aluminum shavings after fighting it and think I might have fucked up the spindle taper:wall::wall::wall:. So I'm ordering all new control arms, fuck it, the old bushings are kinda shot anyway.

Seeing how i have no transportation anyway and its down for a few days before I see any parts.. I've decided to do some major upgrades I've been sitting on. Swap my rear axle for the Posi axle and upgraded suspension, put on the dual exhaust, install my better speakers, maybe the sub, and I'll probably deal with any rust I see while I'm under there.

It'll be nice to take on ramps at speed again:fire:.
I woke up today and went to the kitchen as usual to make coffee when I heard a lot of buzzing coming from the window. I raised the blinds to find about eight bees flying against the inside of my window trying to get out, my question was how the fuck they got in. It was like Candyman up in this bitch. Watching them for a while, I began to put it together. One squeezed in and couldn't find their way out, and called their buddies for assistance. Then another squeezed in the very tight spot to help and was then trapped itself. This process just continued until I had eight. I couldn't open the window because there were many more right outside wanting to help their trapped comrades. I tried to trap each one in a plastic cup to take them outside but I couldn't get them off the window once they were in the cup. So I donned my rubber gauntlet gloves to avoid being stung, then quickly cracked open the window, then the screen. Immediately half of the inside bees flew into the top of the window opening and I quickly shut it to watch them work their way down between the window and screen to escape at the bottom of the now open screen. They wouldn't leave the other bees behind that were still inside, that got me right in the feels. They're like little marines, no bros left behind. I repeated the process and two more got out. The two left weren't as bright, so I caught them in my gloves as gently as I could one by one, and released them out the back door. I witnessed many bees flying against my building and the apartment across from me buzzing around windows, but interestingly none came back to my windows as the probably left behind some scent relaying, 'This place sucks, off limits!' I think they are trying to find a spot to build a hive. Good luck, little guys. I'm glad neither you nor I got hurt...
Reminds me, I was painting our crib with some white gloss enamel, next thing I know bees were all over it, it was the smell.
I woke up today and went to the kitchen as usual to make coffee when I heard a lot of buzzing coming from the window. I raised the blinds to find about eight bees flying against the inside of my window trying to get out, my question was how the fuck they got in. It was like Candyman up in this bitch. Watching them for a while, I began to put it together. One squeezed in and couldn't find their way out, and called their buddies for assistance. Then another squeezed in the very tight spot to help and was then trapped itself. This process just continued until I had eight. I couldn't open the window because there were many more right outside wanting to help their trapped comrades. I tried to trap each one in a plastic cup to take them outside but I couldn't get them off the window once they were in the cup. So I donned my rubber gauntlet gloves to avoid being stung, then quickly cracked open the window, then the screen. Immediately half of the inside bees flew into the top of the window opening and I quickly shut it to watch them work their way down between the window and screen to escape at the bottom of the now open screen. They wouldn't leave the other bees behind that were still inside, that got me right in the feels. They're like little marines, no bros left behind. I repeated the process and two more got out. The two left weren't as bright, so I caught them in my gloves as gently as I could one by one, and released them out the back door. I witnessed many bees flying against my building and the apartment across from me buzzing around windows, but interestingly none came back to my windows as the probably left behind some scent relaying, 'This place sucks, off limits!' I think they are trying to find a spot to build a hive. Good luck, little guys. I'm glad neither you nor I got hurt...
Listen to the walls around where they came in. My buddies parents had the same thing happen, kept finding bees in the house. Turned out the wall was full of a hive and they were coming in under the sink through piping holes. They had to have the exterior wall opened, the hive took up close to 3 stud cavities. They think it was there at least couple years.

The people they hired killed the whole hive, they were honey bees. They even ruined the honey cause they pumped chemicals in to kill everything before opening the wall. Assholes.
Shake your penis to the left, shake your penis to the right, stick a finger in your butthole make sure that it's tight.
View attachment 3988106 View attachment 3988107 View attachment 3988108 View attachment 3988109 View attachment 3988110 View attachment 3988111 View attachment 3988113 View attachment 3988114
My turtle dick is finally gone! I missed some of you guys a lot. Others not so much.

I have some fun stories for you guys. :)

Sup BOB , I've killed so many turtles looking for you but you wasn't there , and then I hit one on the interstate the other day and I was like ohh shit I hope Bob wasn't in that one lol.:hug:
Shake your penis to the left, shake your penis to the right, stick a finger in your butthole make sure that it's tight.
View attachment 3988106 View attachment 3988107 View attachment 3988108 View attachment 3988109 View attachment 3988110 View attachment 3988111 View attachment 3988113 View attachment 3988114
My turtle dick is finally gone! I missed some of you guys a lot. Others not so much.

I have some fun stories for you guys. :)
Tell me about that lobster, is it so cal close? Welcome back!
Shake your penis to the left, shake your penis to the right, stick a finger in your butthole make sure that it's tight.
My turtle dick is finally gone! I missed some of you guys a lot. Others not so much.

I have some fun stories for you guys. :)

Yeah. WB.


We left a light on for ya.