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Were getting old!!! My best medication is oxicodone for back lower back problem what about back. Problems?? Shit when i run out of oxies i feel like supper shit it take a while to kick the horable feelimg i dont smoke or inject just pop the fucker in.. But how are you guys dealing with back Problems
My doc once asked me a question after I told him how badly I sleep and how I would have to get up to go to the bathroom every night. He seemed disappointed when I told him that involved my bladder being at bursting point, always between 2 and 4am, so even he had to admit there was no need to finger me.

They say one of the best ways to prevent prostate problems is regular ejaculation, so get yourself a younger woman like wot I did or get those forearm muscles built up, you know it makes sense.
Fuck i hate that shit my first time was quick i didnt even feel it lolz!!! It was so quick that fucker!!! Old basterd!! The other was in palm springs ya dude gay village like a motherfucker but last year i got a perscription for hgh and testosterone the dock had to check same sports doctor were Bradley the boxer went for his also wrote this book 15254090677692127480259.jpg ya im shure he was lolz im shure bradley got the same treatment.. This dude made me bend over and some how i felt that dudes finger go around my prostate i for the first time felt were it was it scoopted all around making shure i had no growth Aaaaa this dude did his job forealz but i didnt continue the sauce i got bizzy bulding again and let it go.. Hes expensive real expensive but his clients are really healthy.. Ya man i dont know but i dont like it one bit!!! But if i had to do it again thats the doctor hahaha.. Good luck and all you young fuckers you guys are up next!!!
My doc once asked me a question after I told him how badly I sleep and how I would have to get up to go to the bathroom every night. He seemed disappointed when I told him that involved my bladder being at bursting point, always between 2 and 4am, so even he had to admit there was no need to finger me.

They say one of the best ways to prevent prostate problems is regular ejaculation, so get yourself a younger woman like wot I did or get those forearm muscles built up, you know it makes sense.
Can't fight age
Unless there is something amiss with the prostate, it's not painful. That said, it's horribly undignified

Yeah, but it beats the fucking hell out of the other hole being invaded. Which can happen if your prostate doesn't behave.

Oh, my urologist always points out that those poor souls who lost both testicles to cancer have ZERO prostate problems. Your balls team up with your prostate when you have problems.
Were getting old!!! My best medication is oxicodone for back lower back problem what about back. Problems?? Shit when i run out of oxies i feel like supper shit it take a while to kick the horable feelimg i dont smoke or inject just pop the fucker in.. But how are you guys dealing with back Problems

Movement. As much as you can and damn the pain.

Vape CBD, reduces the inflammation and if that's reduced then so's the pain.

5mg valium as necessary, stops muscle cramps

Decent weed, kills the pain off in minutes

If out of weed, codeine.

Biggest weapon? That lump of shit between the ears, when used properly, can give you the stubbornness and sheer bloody-mindedness to tell the pain that you are the boss and it can go fuck itself.

Works for me and I've been told the only "cure" for me is fusing L2-S1 because of buggered discs, enthesitis and a lumbar area riddled with arthritis. But I point blank refuse to let the bastard grind me down and enjoy life as much as I can. Don't let it rule your life, and always remember that just because it's won that battle it doesn't mean it's won the war, you still have control, not it, so adapt, get out in the sun and enjoy the little things you used to ignore for your quality of life will improve.
Movement. As much as you can and damn the pain.

Vape CBD, reduces the inflammation and if that's reduced then so's the pain.

5mg valium as necessary, stops muscle cramps

Decent weed, kills the pain off in minutes

If out of weed, codeine.

Biggest weapon? That lump of shit between the ears, when used properly, can give you the stubbornness and sheer bloody-mindedness to tell the pain that you are the boss and it can go fuck itself.

Works for me and I've been told the only "cure" for me is fusing L2-S1 because of buggered discs, enthesitis and a lumbar area riddled with arthritis. But I point blank refuse to let the bastard grind me down and enjoy life as much as I can. Don't let it rule your life, and always remember that just because it's won that battle it doesn't mean it's won the war, you still have control, not it, so adapt, get out in the sun and enjoy the little things you used to ignore for your quality of life will improve.
That the best advice i have heard Thank You!!
Were getting old!!! My best medication is oxicodone for back lower back problem what about back. Problems?? Shit when i run out of oxies i feel like supper shit it take a while to kick the horable feelimg i dont smoke or inject just pop the fucker in.. But how are you guys dealing with back Problems
Get away from opiates. They have their place but it's not wise to take them long term.

They will make you hurt worse. It will get to the point when you come off them you will hurt all over
Yeah, but it beats the fucking hell out of the other hole being invaded. Which can happen if your prostate doesn't behave.

Oh, my urologist always points out that those poor souls who lost both testicles to cancer have ZERO prostate problems. Your balls team up with your prostate when you have problems.
Been there and done that. I've had the dr jam stuff down my pee hole.

It sucks.
At least if they drew a few lines on their finger and could turn around and say, look you are only up to a 3, you are still good, I might not think they are just looking around for loose change.
I'm an old dinosaur Annie; ain't no female Dr putting her fingers up my ass, no way, no how
I usto say the same shit but love my life and i love my boner and i love pussy!!! But aint going out like that so it wasnt like its sexual but fuck man you hit that age and well it aint that bad.. Invasive for shure but i would hate to finger dudes for a living.. Lolz i rather finger girls lolz true shit!! But prostate cancer is real i herd one guy im not shure were but the guy was so macho that he never got the exam i heard he died a horable painful death. Well ten million ways to die.. That aint one i plan on..
Were getting old!!! My best medication is oxicodone for back lower back problem what about back. Problems?? Shit when i run out of oxies i feel like supper shit it take a while to kick the horable feelimg i dont smoke or inject just pop the fucker in.. But how are you guys dealing with back Problems
d63a4848-5160-4a7c-9c8f-14b286ab7de0_3.d74e11b99c49689c2567826e3aded682.jpeg heat, massage, and the blood runs to your head, so you get a giant head rush when you get up, makes me feel like i'm a teenager again for a few seconds......
That the best advice i have heard Thank You!!

I can't stress enough that what I said works for ME. Everyone is different, you'll have to experiment to find your own solution, but, as whitebb says, the opiates can be your worst enemy as taking them as the doc instructs will only mean you will need more and more as your body adapts.

The same goes for weed, use it all the time and it becomes less effective.

My usual "routine" is a month on weed, then a month on pharma, month on weed, etc, etc, so I can get the desired effect but also keep the tolerance down to a decent level. I figured that out the hard way, there's certain painkillers I cannot have any more because they simply do not work any more thanks to using them as instructed by the doc and was swallowing tr*madol like they were candy. Now that stuff just makes me puke because I took so much of it.

I don't know what's wrong with your back, but look for other potential treatments to complement the painkillers and remember the golden rule, KEEP MOVING as lying down on the couch all day "because it hurts" will only make things worse in the short, never mind the long, term.

As we say here in the Land of Beer and Chocolate, "Beweging is Belangrijk", "Movement is Important", doesn't matter if you're like me and need crutches to get around at under 1mph, which can help as you put more weight on your upper body so lessen the stress on the damaged lumbar area, every movement is important so go through the pain barrier and keep yourself as flexible and mobile as is possible, and I'll bet that if you put your mind to it you could be more flexible and mobile than you currently are.
Dunno about that but right now it feels like something's crawled up my arse and died, my eyes are burning here but I can't remember the last time my sinuses were this clear. It's so bad I reckon I could beat a Jack Russel in a farting competition.

But I did do a self-made chicken tikka last night so that may have something to do with it.