I've been dealing with water in my basement for a week now. The humidity has been around 75% for a few days even with 2 dehumidifiers going, not good timing, I'm going into week 7 of flower

. Every time it's rained i get a stream flowing from one end to the other. IDK why it's happening so frequently all of a sudden, it used to only happen occasionally in spring when we had heavy rain and standing water. So i went out and bought 50 ft of corrugated drain tube and piped all my downspouts away from the house. It's supposed to rain heavy tomorrow , so fingers crossed.
Then i worked on scraping rust off a plow I'm painting to sell. It's in worse shape than i thought and gonna need some patches welded in. The guy that owned it before me thought slapping thick paint over rust was good enough apparently, thanks dick

. So far I've pushed my scraper though in a few different spots, it might just be easier to reskin the whole thing than patch it, idk yet.
Now I'm just waiting for some guy to get here to buy an old bell housing and clutch. Seeing how I'm 2 for 10 with people showing up when they say they will,
i'm not expecting much. I'm gonna go clean the garage and wait, at least it won't be wasted time.