What did you accomplish today?

I duuno man, do you have good benefits? I put up with a lot of shit when I was still working cause the pay was good, work was easy and longevity was pretty much guaranteed.
Full health and dental also 401k match and they have some savage in the market. Its just the whole area vs me it appears they have quite the guard up all the locals know me and its a non issue but its those just passing through I mean I've been shot at multiple attempted robberies and damage to my truck (which I'm putting a higher value in than a strangers life at this point) all of this is done without me aggrevating or provoking. The area is kinda known for it but still I just broke 100k and am thinking of jumping ship so that's about where I'm at
if you're cold....put on some fucking pants.....sorry..just a pet peeve
Full health and dental also 401k match and they have some savage in the market. Its just the whole area vs me it appears they have quite the guard up all the locals know me and its a non issue but its those just passing through I mean I've been shot at multiple attempted robberies and damage to my truck (which I'm putting a higher value in than a strangers life at this point) all of this is done without me aggrevating or provoking. The area is kinda known for it but still I just broke 100k and am thinking of jumping ship so that's about where I'm at

Shop around for a job with equal pay and benefits in a safer area before you reach your breaking point. I wish you the best in finding something.
60 and clear here today, gonna be in the low 80's by the weekend

ok where is that 25oz, had to many wtf moments for a monday

good thing for today at least my step son is listening to me, grad basics, station in kentucky with 101st, he got his badge/patch today, very good son, very good...keep going buddy...
i thought he meant overt racism at work, didn't realize he meant in the general area where he lives.
not much to do about that except gtfo, or ignore it. doubt it'll be any better any place close enough to commute to, that kind of attitude sort of seeps into an area...like an old septic tank
Yeah not sure what the fuck Boston is all about but apparently its the most racist area in the country and that's on all sides of the fence don't get me wrong black,white,brown,yellow, purple no one gets along no fucking idea why. Very clicky its like high school..from what can tell it goes all the way up the food chain
the high close to Knoxville today is supposed to be 31....and it's damp here all winter, 31 feels like 20.....of course we're supposed to get up to 60 saturday. this is the time of year i get colds...cold warm.....cold warm....cold warm....hate having to keep adjusting the thermostat