What did you accomplish today?

I only keep bristlenose plecos
Nice fish for sure.
Ever have Gourami's?


Tasty with a little butter and salt :)
It had a broken leg from getting hit then it was shot by a cop 3 times, there was no saving it.
When I lived on the res a guy I worked with found a deer with a broken leg stuck in a wire fence. Called the res police and the guy didn't even get out of his cruiser, just rolled down the window and fired 5 rounds in it. Didn't kill it. Finally got and up close.

reminds me of
Lost my Leopard Pleco, mostly my fault for not keeping up with water changes. He was the coolest one I have had (even though they all seem to be assholes). He was getting rather large and I don't know what their lifespan is. Tank is all cleaned up now anyway. Time for fish shopping.
dang, I hate losing a good fish, plecos and most catfish have very long lives generally.
I only keep albino bristlenose plecos
Brother told me just picked up a Zebra pleco the other day. I'm assuming the $30 false zebra and not the $300 ones. Have had 2-3 Gold Nuggets. Finicky but cool looking.

Brother told me just picked up a Zebra pleco the other day. I'm assuming the $30 false zebra and not the $300 ones. Have had 2-3 Gold Nuggets. Finicky but cool looking.


I think I spent less than $10 on my leopard pleco, he was about 2" long when I bought him. I usually end up with the generic pleco's that end up being too big for the tank, the fish store just happened to have that one when I was looking for one.
Only time I hit a deer, i ran it over and it lived, but it's hip and legs were crushed. I called the police, in a dead quiet po dunk town, to come put it down and they said someone would be out in the next few hours to deal with it, even after I explained it was still alive. Some old dude, like 80 old, pulled up, I explained what happened, he's like "you gotta put it out of its misery, got a knife?" I told him I did but it was dull as shit and wouldn't cut the skin, I tried. He pulls out a Swiss army knife, unfolds the little blade, drops to his knees and slices the deers throat. Then proceeds to lambaste me about not keeping my knife sharp and causing it more suffering while the deer bled out. Then he had me load it in his truck, told me to "go sharpen your fucking knife" and took off. Ever since then my knife stays sharp.

I got a call from that PO a few days later about how it's illegal to take a deer without approval and I'll probably get a ticket because I didn't get the info of the guy who took the deer. I told them if I get a ticket, I'm going to the NEWS /ASPCA/PETA/Etc. about how they were going to leave a wounded animal on the side of the road for hours. I never heard from them again.
Lost my Leopard Pleco, mostly my fault for not keeping up with water changes. He was the coolest one I have had (even though they all seem to be assholes). He was getting rather large and I don't know what their lifespan is. Tank is all cleaned up now anyway. Time for fish shopping.

they can live for a long time i had mine for 12 years at least before it die due to ich just like you i failed to keep up with maintenance plus i was very young at the time only could afford a 10gal tank. other then that though they typically can get huge if you allow enough space for them to keep growing. eventually they would require a pond even. i only know of 1 species that stays relatively small which i believe is the bristle nose pleco.

i remember back when they first discovered the zebra pleco's those fuckers were being sold for about $250 at my lfs. around $200-250 was the going price at the time.

i really need to upgrade my aquarium and supplies
My pleco was the only fish to survive all my tanks and all my die offs. I got it when I was about 12, to clean up after goldfish I won at a fair, and gave it away sometime in my late 20s when I stopped doing tanks. When I gave him away he was almost 14" long. It died a couple years after I gave it away, so it had to be at least 17 years old, possibly closer to 20.
Finished cleaning one bay of the garage, got the truck in, pulled the driveshaft, had to pull the tranny crossmember to get the pan off the transmission. :dunce:. That's genius engineering. I only spilt a few ounce of fluid on the floor, that's a record for me, usually I'm laying in a puddle of fluid by the time I get the pan off. :clap:Got shit in my eye so now I'm waiting for the tranny, and my eye, to stop dripping. Fingers crossed its just the solenoid, otherwise it's gonna be worth more to me to cut it up for parts, which would be a shame cause it's a clean truck.
Hacked up a ham I picked up a few days ago into manageable pieces so I can put it on the smoker soon.The closest fish store has 3 of the same type Pleco's on hand at the moment, road trip tomorrow I think.
finally set up this bitch you do NOT want to know how much space i got to work with in a tiny ass room. it's a good thing i really don't have a lot of crap in my room though. i just blocked the aquarium with my bed but i can still manage to get access to it. my bed is blocking my half bathroom door but i don't really use it besides storage as the toilet is broken. pipe is too short so whenever you flush it automatically leaks. this is my sisters old bedroom and the smallest room in the house but my old bedroom was converted sadly into a home gym that doesn't get used.

im pretty much waiting for my dad to yell at me saying something like " WTF ARE YOU DOING!, your taking this growing shit out of hand!" lol. in reality i only have 3 major hobbies; growing, aquariums ( getting out of this one hopefully in a year ), and playing video games ( which i kind of don't do as much as i used to anymore ).

i was originally planning to move the aquarium into our spare bedroom but i forgot my sister and her boyfriend are moving back into our house due to my mother passing away. just makes living a whole lot easier on everyone financially as well. I am pretty much just waiting to see what my dad says about the tent before i fully invest into exhaust fans though i set it up basically just to see how much actual room i got and it's comfortable i mean i don't really spend a whole lot of time in my room doing anything that takes up a ton of space besides gaming but half the time i just sit down on the computer rest of the time im walking around the house or outside doing basic chores or working. it's just a basic 4x4 lite line tent nothing special had to go with the light line due to ceiling fan but



currently moving everything into the tent will update but my plants are really fucked right now. 1 of them is kinda too leggy with no support so it is fallen over i have no vents yet so chances are the tent will get super hot but im testing that theory out right now