What did you accomplish today?

It’s 7:00am Saturday morning and it’s 7c that’s 44f, it’s crazy cold winter is coming top of 20 c like 65f.
Found out last night my father in-law. Who has come down for 2 week holiday is moving in for 3 months (probably longer). At least he has found work. Don’t know why my Mrs is been so nice, I’ve meet him 3 times in our 12 year relationship. Never called on birthday’s never asked for pictures of the kids or got the a gift. He has done fuck all for us or tried to. Just shows up when he’s been kicked out by his Gf.
Did I mention it’s cold and I’m bitter lol
It gets worse I have a bottle of 1977 Glenfiddich rare collection there were only 166 bottles made worth $3800 each which was a gift from a builder. I have had 3 small glasses on New Years and birthday’s. It’s like drinking gold. That prick knocked back 2 glasses and was on his third and mixed with coke are you fucking serious. I had to leave and smoke a pound of weed or I was going to literally kill him.
He thought that it was the cheap shit I have 6 bottles of cheap whiskey. All of those put together are worth less then 3 glasses of that stuff. No body touches my whiskey.
It’s on like donkey kong now
Family sigh.
I hope you took what was left of the bottle with you. C'mon you're an enterprising young fella, OZ is full of deadly spiders, bugs and snakes; surely some of those are near by *wink, wink*
The spacebar on my macbook has been dead for a while. I have to copy/paste spaces. The "Geniuses" at apple want to charge $449 to fix a five year old notebook which is crazy. I tried using a windows notebook but hit a hurdle that was a deal breaker. I have 15 years of photos and videos on two external drives. When I plugged them into the windows notebook it asks if I wanted to format them, like they were brand new drives. I've gotten used to hitting command+v when I want a space now and it hasn't slowed me down. I'm hoping Santa brings me a new macbook this xmas.
Check out lewis rossman on youtube. He fixes apple products, makes videos on how to do it and sells the tools. His business is Rossman repair group. He is also fighting for right to repair. Its shameful at what apple does to customers. Things like price repiars so high that its cheaper to buy new. Lie and say They cant fix something to make you buy new. They even lie and say that data cant be recovered off thier damaged devices. It would be one thing if they just said they cant do it but apple goes as far as to tell people that it cant be done and if someone claims they can its a scam.

He even gets drunk and makes a board level repair in one video to make fun of the genius bar.
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That looks amazing
yea man if you love eating sushi your gonna love poke. this is the REAL FUCKING DEAL. idgaf what other people say unless you were born and raise in Hawaii and moved and opened up a poke shop chances are those poke shops dont know wtf they are doing. can't go wrong with the spicy ahi though. that is the most popular with kids these days the older generations love the soy sauce based ones that is the OG.

i eat mine like i eat my sushi. white rice, poke, pickled ginger, and some soy sauce shit is really good. huge debate though on who has the best poke in Hawaii lol almost all the poke shops here i believe are mom and pop stores i enjoy them good service, good food, price is reasonable for the quality.
ok skirt steak done, stuff jalopeno's ready.......now i need another beer......

fucking mockingbird....it's over looking at me like "dude, where's mine".....oops nvm he found a bug.....
yea man if you love eating sushi your gonna love poke. this is the REAL FUCKING DEAL. idgaf what other people say unless you were born and raise in Hawaii and moved and opened up a poke shop chances are those poke shops dont know wtf they are doing. can't go wrong with the spicy ahi though. that is the most popular with kids these days the older generations love the soy sauce based ones that is the OG.

i eat mine like i eat my sushi. white rice, poke, pickled ginger, and some soy sauce shit is really good. huge debate though on who has the best poke in Hawaii lol almost all the poke shops here i believe are mom and pop stores i enjoy them good service, good food, price is reasonable for the quality.
When I go after the king fish we sushimi it up on the boat and dip it in soy strait down the hatch. so good so fresh
I’ll have to wait until tuna season before I get a feed like that
Ditto, we got twice the amount of the average total rain for this month in one day (Wed.)

When I go after the king fish we sushimi it up on the boat and dip it in soy strait down the hatch. so good so fresh
I’ll have to wait until tuna season before I get a feed like that
yea my dad used to fish had 2 boats but idk he just didnt have time for it anymore so the boat sat at our house for years until he donated it. fish that fresh is the best.

I can buy that for $6.35 a pound not previously frozen. Cheaper than a steak.
lol i can buy steak cheaper then tuna here. given a lesser quality it still a steak can still be made into something delicious
just fed my worm bin again fed the bokchoy and a huge block of mangoes that been sitting in our freezer for months. it's mango season so you know we got a shit load of mangoes again. think dragon fruit gonna fruit again as well. the worms are thriving though and they look fairly fat. i given it about a month until i see a good population still. idk how the hell imma keep up with feeding them though. probably just gonna keep buying a shit load of melons eat those and save the rinds.

checked on the sunflowers they are doing good as usual. not much else to do today just one of those lazy days.