What did you accomplish today?

Long hair is a fucking pain in the ass especially when you always work on cars, IDK how many times I had to dig grease or some adhesive out of my hair or wash it out with thinner. I've grown mine out a few times past the middle of my back, once a Mohawk to my ass. I chopped and donated that to some cancer wig place. Now I buzz it down every other month, 1/2" in summer, 3/4" in winter.

I vacuumed the house today, with a shedding cat and thick pollen, this place was probably deadly to someone with bad allergies. When I went to do the enclosed porch, the shitty 30 year old indoor /outdoor carpet that had some heavy wear caught on the wheel and ripped. So I tore it up. @curious2garden, guess what I used to glue spots down when it got loose years ago? :wall:So now there's a dozen quarter sized spots of rug still on the floor. I get to try my new oscillating tool to try and scrape it up without damaging the floor too much. It's is a pretty worn tongue and groove pine wood floor under it so I'm not too worried. I kinda want to wire brush it to accentuate the grooves in the wood grain then do a heavy, maybe 1/4", clear epoxy coating to level it out. I think it would look good and give the floor some visual depth. I can't seem to find any pictures of it, so, IDK.

I've had good luck with a heat gun and putty knife.
Fixed the lattice on the front of the house this morning. The sun rotted out one of the top plates I put up. The climbing roses are tied to it so I had to rearrange them. I look like I tried to take a steak away from a Bobcat. I think it's a burger evening. I was told to go get take and bake pizza tomorrow for dinner so I don't have to cook. It won't be that hot so I'm OK with turning the oven on. I'm sure something else will grab my attention today and need worked on.
Fixed the lattice on the front of the house this morning. The sun rotted out one of the top plates I put up. The climbing roses are tied to it so I had to rearrange them. I look like I tried to take a steak away from a Bobcat. I think it's a burger evening. I was told to go get take and bake pizza tomorrow for dinner so I don't have to cook. It won't be that hot so I'm OK with turning the oven on. I'm sure something else will grab my attention today and need worked on.
LOL. I have some roses my mother planted well over ten years ago that I hate dealing with. The main shoots are 2-3ft over my head and the thorns are a good 3/4" long. I had a big T made out of 2x4s holding it back against a fence but that fell over the winter and they're draped all over it and I just don't want to go trying to get it out. I keep thinking of chopping them out, but they do look nice when they bloom. I think if I put on my riding gear and full face helmet I'll probably be OK wrestling with them.
So far on my property we killed 3 adult and 8 baby rattlers. This is all just in about a 1-1.25 acre area surrounding the trailer.
My closest neighbor has Llamas. He’s lost a couple over the years just all of a sudden and could never figure why. Pretty sure I know why lol.
Scratch that,
Make it 4 adults, just now :oI’m in shorts and flipflops can’t believe it didn’t just get me. It was close.

Pretty sure these are the northern pacific rattlesnake.
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I wouldn’t go outside till it did...
Again, i’m more worried for my dogs. In fact, i’m surprised Bear didn’t walk through that spot before me.

My daughter is here visiting. We were in the same area where most of the snakes were found. I said “ this is where the other snakes were found” and then rattles and the thing struck at me lmao.