Well-Known Member
Long hair is a fucking pain in the ass especially when you always work on cars, IDK how many times I had to dig grease or some adhesive out of my hair or wash it out with thinner. I've grown mine out a few times past the middle of my back, once a Mohawk to my ass. I chopped and donated that to some cancer wig place. Now I buzz it down every other month, 1/2" in summer, 3/4" in winter.
I vacuumed the house today, with a shedding cat and thick pollen, this place was probably deadly to someone with bad allergies. When I went to do the enclosed porch, the shitty 30 year old indoor /outdoor carpet that had some heavy wear caught on the wheel and ripped. So I tore it up. @curious2garden, guess what I used to glue spots down when it got loose years ago?So now there's a dozen quarter sized spots of rug still on the floor. I get to try my new oscillating tool to try and scrape it up without damaging the floor too much. It's is a pretty worn tongue and groove pine wood floor under it so I'm not too worried. I kinda want to wire brush it to accentuate the grooves in the wood grain then do a heavy, maybe 1/4", clear epoxy coating to level it out. I think it would look good and give the floor some visual depth. I can't seem to find any pictures of it, so, IDK.
I've had good luck with a heat gun and putty knife.