What did you accomplish today?

Fuck off Tyler! I'm trying to be deep and philosophical!

I have very mixed emotions about these alerts. First in CA we are mostly disarmed so self-defense options are quite limited (legally). Next we've had every tax grab excuse there is to put cameras at every intersection and every place else that do facial recognition instead of traffic and simple security as they initially started out. We also have license plate scanners everywhere. We have electronic snooping and other means of tracking and tracing the populace. We even have planes and drones in the air above us watching us and cataloging everything.

Why do they need our eyes? Aren't these expensive systems capable of doing this job? So we see something and report it. Response time is abysmal. So what about some folks who might be tempted to intervene. I can't count the number of Good Samaritans we've attempted to patch up after a well meaning intervention went bad. As well as the ones their families had to bury.

I don't believe they need our help and I have darker suspicions about the use of that equipment that has nothing to do with these alerts. But I'm old and suspicious and cranky.
I have been thinking about you. How is the new job?
It's pretty good, so far, but it's busy. I'm helping in the stock room until they get the assembly line I'm supposed to be on set up and they're so behind I've been getting all the OT I can take, hence why I haven't been around. Probably gonna be like this for the next 6 months, at least. Gotta make that money while it's there. :cool:

I stayed up way too late getting caught up here. I gotta crash:sleep:
Looking good man. Are you sticking tiles to the arches? Or?
Usually we would frame them arches out of metal. 1.5” and 3/4” cold rolled channel. Tie some diamond mesh to it and let the plasterers do their thing.
I sure as hell don’t miss that durorck shit. I spent almost the whole first year I got into my trade, back in ‘92, hanging 4x8 sheets of durock :-(. When I got to hang some shitrock it was like nothing. But it all helped fuck my back up.
That never got done it was a present for my x partner from sun grow in desert hot springs but since i never seen my half i never finished it.. Lolz i left it undone.. I just gave up on that shit... But i still want to do grones ceilings and intrikit shit mabe ill finally take that spelling class once an for all and just start spelling like a champ
That never got done it was a present for my x partner from sun grow in desert hot springs but since i never seen my half i never finished it.. Lolz i left it undone.. I just gave up on that shit... But i still want to do grones ceilings and intrikit shit mabe ill finally take that spelling class once an for all and just start spelling like a champ
Hey you!!
Sharing this because it's a huge accomplishment for me: finally decided on how to tell my spouse I'm ready to break it off. Needed help from a joint and the internet (I will mainly use steps recommended here, but I'll see as I go along, I might improvise in the moment). But yeah, what a day.
How much beer did you catch?
I caught a 24pk +/- buzz. Probably should have eaten but didn’t so kind of feel shitty this morning lol.
Did u catch any yet? I’m eating salmon today , and also floating around stoned and drunk but in the pool, Good ole summer fun. hope you catch a few and be sure to throw up a picture or two Areo. Enjoy yourself ! cheers!
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No salmon this time :-( it was sort of expected though.
Sounds like you had a killer day! It’s funny, i had always dreamt of having a pool and when I had bought a house with a pool i used the shit out of it the first couple summers and then hardly. It would be so fucking hot out which you think is perfect to go swimming and lounging in there but I wouldn't even want to go outside of my air conditioned home lol. The pool ended up being a pain in the ass. But now I miss not having one.
We're having our hottest day of they year so far.
You guys are nuts. A sinecure is a total gift, a paid block of time to pursue your own interests - Learn some languages, master a musical instrument, work out, study your fav subjects, take online courses, read literary classics that you missed. If worse comes to worse, vape a thc cart and catch up on the hundreds of cable and netflix series. I don't get how boredom is a factor when there's SO much to do...

I've been surfing youtube and things like that. I can't read a book or do anything really in depth, 'cause I have to pay attention to the screen.

Today is my last day doing this, I'm quitting when this shift is over... I had my first chat and it was with a crazy woman that made this suck. When you initiate a chat you select what it's about, shipping, product recommendations, returns etc. She selected shipping and said her shipment was late. I took her order number and started checking things out. She placed the order on Saturday and it tells you on the page and on your receipt that shipping is up to five business days. I nicely explained it was shipped Monday and tracking shows it's due to be delivered by 10am tomorrow, well within the delivery time frame. She started arguing that it's already been five days so I had to explain that Saturday and Sunday are not business days and we ship the next day after receiving the order Monday thru Friday. She started swearing at me, asked to talk to my manager and called me a liar when I told her I don't have an option to connect her to a manger. She demanded a refund and lost it when I told her I don't have the ability to provide refunds, but I can start the return process once she's received her package. I asked her if there's anything else I can help her with and she said you didn't f@cking help me with anything, disconnected and left me a bad review.

I'm not cut out for customer service.
We're having our hottest day of they year so far.

I've been surfing youtube and things like that. I can't read a book or do anything really in depth, 'cause I have to pay attention to the screen.

Today is my last day doing this, I'm quitting when this shift is over... I had my first chat and it was with a crazy woman that made this suck. When you initiate a chat you select what it's about, shipping, product recommendations, returns etc. She selected shipping and said her shipment was late. I took her order number and started checking things out. She placed the order on Saturday and it tells you on the page and on your receipt that shipping is up to five business days. I nicely explained it was shipped Monday and tracking shows it's due to be delivered by 10am tomorrow, well within the delivery time frame. She started arguing that it's already been five days so I had to explain that Saturday and Sunday are not business days and we ship the next day after receiving the order Monday thru Friday. She started swearing at me, asked to talk to my manager and called me a liar when I told her I don't have an option to connect her to a manger. She demanded a refund and lost it when I told her I don't have the ability to provide refunds, but I can start the return process once she's received her package. I asked her if there's anything else I can help her with and she said you didn't f@cking help me with anything, disconnected and left me a bad review.

I'm not cut out for customer service.
I thought Canadians were very serene, courteous and all around sweet people. The fuck happened to her? I think you should message Trudeau and get that sour bitch deported