What did you accomplish today?

Did i every tell you guys and gals i hate Dentists....went to the dentist office this morning cause over the weekend i developed a cyst underneath a tooth.....boy my weekend was a bitch....hot and cold presses since saturday....finally got to get in the office today....great thing i know the guy...he saw me right away...got me in a looked at it and said yep....we gotta pull that tooth, but i want you to take these meds (antibotics of course) and when the swelling goes down...we shall re-evaluate what's happening....when i was walking up to the counter...i asked the lady how much...she looked at me....and just said "have a nice day"....WOW no outa pocket....what???? But i did see what they are gonna charge me to pull the tooth....$300 :shock: and that's with xray. So now i'm at home trying to figure out how to get that $300 taken my antibotics and having some space tomato...think i'll go into the grow room and work on that while i'm pondering the ways of what i can do...

hope everyone had a better weekend than mine......

i did make coffee btw.......fixens on the left and space tomato on the right....
Hope you feel better soon. Oil of cloves is a great dental anesthetic.
I like that the menu options are always on the screen and the like and reply buttons aren't so close together on a mobile anymore. I was always accidentally hitting the reply button then having to delete. I wish the highlight colour in reply was a little darker, you can't tell what text you're selecting.
@Laughing Grass
Took a couple pics b4 I cut it back(drinking to much) now the damage has knuckles n would be a strong spot on the branch .

My sis did a fantastic job on the plants. Everything is green and lots of buds are forming. I have this one weird stem, almost like two stems fused together and the bud looks like a centipede. I'm getting an error uploading pics right now, I'll load them when this is sorted.