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Ever since I started using beneficial nematodes we haven’t had a flea bite. I’ve got to retreat a few areas for fire ants though. The nematodes take care of them too.
DE Diatomasious Earth works well too. It's a powder, killls all kinds of insects (including fleas). and its food grade so you can eat it too. They add it to all sorts of animal feeds to kill internal parasites in chickens, cattle, ect....
DE Diatomasious Earth works well too. It's a powder, killls all kinds of insects (including fleas). and its food grade so you can eat it too. They add it to all sorts of animal feeds to kill internal parasites in chickens, cattle, ect....
I know someone who uses DE on his ranch and has zero flea problems. (Alpacas, cats, dogs, chickens, turkeys, etc)
It's super cheap if you buy it in bulk from a local co-op.
It is Sunday so I went for a 2.5-3 hr ride on the atv.......shit haven't done that in years! When I came back my wife even said I smelled like I've been riding.......hehe I got a kick out of that. I grew up with bikes......always had a bunch. Sold everything 10 years ago to buy a place. Then I had kids and life got in the way. So happy I can go riding again......I needed it. :D