What did you accomplish today?

new collection dropping friday so ive been photographing + work here, plus appointments out the ying yang.

off to play some fallout76 and chill outView attachment 4639744
Fallout76 was the first one I didn’t even want to finish. And wasn’t into the online. Can’t wait for them to release a new REAL fallout :-)
haven’t had much time to play games but I finally finished The last of us 2 a week or two ago. Was a good one as was the first. Long game.
we haven't had any trimmers since Covid so we will have to address that soon...we can store all trimmed weed in a room with a UV light to sterilize...we will work something out
UV light sounds fascinating . Would the light impact the potency effecting the Trichomes or any type of chemical Change in the properties of the weed? Is that light similar to the cleaning robot that they use at the hospitals to disinfect the patient rooms killing all germs , bacteria and diseases ?
Sorry to hear how this has impacted your season. Good Luck.
Pre-coffee, pre-wake up smoke.

Already caught and disposed of 5 mice, did the mom routine and now I'm sitting down for a smoke.

I don't know how the mice are getting in but I have seen them running under the furnace.

Need coffee.
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Fallout76 was the first one I didn’t even want to finish. And wasn’t into the online. Can’t wait for them to release a new REAL fallout :-)
haven’t had much time to play games but I finally finished The last of us 2 a week or two ago. Was a good one as was the first. Long game.
Thought 76 was the real FO so I bought it.

It feels Fallout-ish but it's lacking something and I miss whatever it is.
Pre-coffee, pre-wake up smoke.

Already caught and disposed of 5 mice, did the mom routine and now I'm sitting down for a smoke.

I don't know how the mice are getting in but I have seen them running under the furnace.

Need coffee.
I did a season in pest control.

Haven't been in your house to see what's going on, but some things you can do:
Doors --- gaps at the bottom & corners --- look for chewing / footprints
Windows --- same as above
Furnace --- look under & behind to see if there is a gap where the pipes enter the walls / ceiling --- seal appropriately (CAUTION HEAT / FIRE).
If they're hard to find, place tracking powder in suspect areas, leave for 24 hours, look for tracks in the powder (chalk works too).
Then find the entry point(s) and seal it (spray foam works) --- check the gap at the bottom of your door, they can get through shockingly small holes.

Place traps in corners along the walls, especially under furniture and known hang-outs. Bait with peanut butter.
Snap traps - use rat traps. They are much more humane, mouse traps don't kill instantly and are less effective.
(a rat trap will break fingers - be careful!)
Live traps - check frequently or they start to smell and are not really "live" traps anymore. Release at least 300 yards away.

POISON --- I would STRONGLY recommend AGAINST POISON --- children, pets, and other unintended secondary kills (cat eating a poisoned mouse for example) make poison an absolute last resort --- I would hate to explain that one to my neighbor (or my Wife! :o)

Mice are cautious, but curious, not as smart as rats (thankfully).
Mice will immediately run to the nearest corner (preferably concealed) to survey the room, so traps in the corners by entry points will eliminate them quicker than random placement.
They're also super cute; have no mercy!!!


Edit --- What did I do today? You just read it! Barely had breakfast and I'm done for the day! :lol:
Unfortunately due to changes in 1031 transfer rules there is no longer an ability to roll gains from multiple property sales into one property, additionally the properties must be like for like (residence for residence, income for income, ag for ag....)
So unfortunately I am out of standing stone and some of plans got f'd until there is another legal change. Or at least that is my interpretaion, dont take legal advice from a pothead.
Still no capital gains tax as long as it was your primary residence for 2 years...and i think the sale price needs to be under 1 million.
I did a season in pest control.

Haven't been in your house to see what's going on, but some things you can do:
Doors --- gaps at the bottom & corners --- look for chewing / footprints
Windows --- same as above
Furnace --- look under & behind to see if there is a gap where the pipes enter the walls / ceiling --- seal appropriately (CAUTION HEAT / FIRE).
If they're hard to find, place tracking powder in suspect areas, leave for 24 hours, look for tracks in the powder (chalk works too).
Then find the entry point(s) and seal it (spray foam works) --- check the gap at the bottom of your door, they can get through shockingly small holes.

Place traps in corners along the walls, especially under furniture and known hang-outs. Bait with peanut butter.
Snap traps - use rat traps. They are much more humane, mouse traps don't kill instantly and are less effective.
(a rat trap will break fingers - be careful!)
Live traps - check frequently or they start to smell and are not really "live" traps anymore. Release at least 300 yards away.

POISON --- I would STRONGLY recommend AGAINST POISON --- children, pets, and other unintended secondary kills (cat eating a poisoned mouse for example) make poison an absolute last resort --- I would hate to explain that one to my neighbor (or my Wife! :o)

Mice are cautious, but curious, not as smart as rats (thankfully).
Mice will immediately run to the nearest corner (preferably concealed) to survey the room, so traps in the corners by entry points will eliminate them quicker than random placement.
They're also super cute; have no mercy!!!


Edit --- What did I do today? You just read it! Barely had breakfast and I'm done for the day! :lol:
I believe they have highway signage up. So many mice in the last week.

I will be getting more traps today, not too sure about the tracking powder or where to find it in a timely manner.

Glue traps are catching them by the toes and snaps are working well so far. Never thought traps would be costly enough to warrant going on the expense list but here I am with double digit mice deaths in a week.

I don't do live traps. The snap caught ones go on the roof and the birds get them, glue traps go in the glue traps bucket outside.

I was thinking of a peanut butter baited bucket trap. The one with a 5 gal pail, a ramp, water and a collapsing catwalk.

My therapist said she had good luck with one at her camp.

I appreciate the help. Spray foam is also on my shopping list today.
Fallout76 was the first one I didn’t even want to finish. And wasn’t into the online. Can’t wait for them to release a new REAL fallout :-)
haven’t had much time to play games but I finally finished The last of us 2 a week or two ago. Was a good one as was the first. Long game.
i actually really like it. live doesnt bug me, and i like buying plans for my camp from other players.
My therapist said she had good luck with one at her camp.

Catching mice could definitely be therapeutic! :lol:

Totally forgot glue traps - might want to tile the floor by the furnace for a few days. Look up from where you find them to see if there's a gap that they're entering.

Tracking powder is just a fine, inert powder. When I did pest control, flour on the restaurant floor worked just as well, and at home I used red construction chalk in my garage (it was close at hand). Anything that leaves footprints.

The bucket trap sounds good - similar to the live traps I have.

Sounds like you have a breeding family or two.
I believe they have highway signage up. So many mice in the last week.

I will be getting more traps today, not too sure about the tracking powder or where to find it in a timely manner.

Glue traps are catching them by the toes and snaps are working well so far. Never thought traps would be costly enough to warrant going on the expense list but here I am with double digit mice deaths in a week.

I don't do live traps. The snap caught ones go on the roof and the birds get them, glue traps go in the glue traps bucket outside.

I was thinking of a peanut butter baited bucket trap. The one with a 5 gal pail, a ramp, water and a collapsing catwalk.

My therapist said she had good luck with one at her camp.

I appreciate the help. Spray foam is also on my shopping list today.
if you have a bit of extra money the electrocution traps work great, bait with peanut butter and check a couple times a day. Quick, clean kills; neither the critter or you suffer. Get the rat sized traps, more oompf so better kill and mice want the peanut butter. They run on 4 C and/or D cell batteries