What did you accomplish today?

I made something similar with some 2X4's and some plywood and casters I scrounged. Don't need it in the room because I run a hose from the back yard and fill it on the floor. I should put a hose bib in the back of the garage. Mornin all.
Having a hosebib in the garage is deeelux!
Highly recommended.

It only takes a few seconds to fill a 5 gallon bucket.
Having a hosebib in the garage is deeelux!
Highly recommended.

It only takes a few seconds to fill a 5 gallon bucket.
My well is piped into the house a few feet from my laboratory.

How to Drain a Water Tank; Water tank drain valve location & repair -  private pump and well system do-it-yourself repairs

A short hose is all that is needed to get the job done.
Cleaned-out a couple of freebie IBC's that I got from a mate who works at a museli-bar factory:


One had a swag of corn syrup in it (a ROYAL PITA to get rid-of, even with a hose attached to the hot water) & the other had about 100Kg of honey in it. It became Bee-City in these here parts this arvo!

Green Crack mother plant donated herself. Before:


Progeny on the right. A few Wonder Woman clones that I procrastinated-on are on the left.


Also managed to keep a 9 & 12 year-old "baby-sits" entertained by engaging them in building my house.

It's now 8.30pm & I'm ready for bed!