What did you accomplish today?

Oh wow, the guy I spoke of wore them all the time. But he was old school, learned the trade from his dad and did it his entire life. He just retired. I went to school with the guy. So no more cheap ceilings for me :(
I’m a union drywall lather by trade. Tapers just don’t use them out in the commercial world. I got in in ‘92. Pretty sure its a liability issue. They are not osha approved that is for sure.
Some of the non-union heads around here still use them turns out. The taper contractor i hired said hell no when i asked him. I actually asked him that lmao.
When I was young my dad had a set. I don't know how he came by them but there they were in his garage. God I loved those things.
I miss my stilts. The wife sold them when I retired, {behind my back} probably best for me but damn, the fun. I used to take my kids trick or treating in a super log trench coat and my head at about 8 feet! Used to do the Halloween costume contests at the bar in the golden days!!!
Oh wow, the guy I spoke of wore them all the time. But he was old school, learned the trade from his dad and did it his entire life. He just retired. I went to school with the guy. So no more cheap ceilings for me :(
You know, the pimp ass shit that looks like old school lath and plaster(shitrock replaced it) is a veneer finish.
We hang blue board. Their veneer finish sticks to it best but you can also glue regular rock. The plasters apply about an 1/16-1/8 “ veneer coat of some hard as rock plaster. they do it allot on the corridor walls of hospitals.
if i was rich,and i was building a mansion, i would do that and do terrazzo floors
Both cost bank :-(