what do David Duke and Louis Farrakhan and paulbots have in common?

When I get off work I will post the whole God damn America speech. I want you to point out the racist parts

Wow, is it really possible that he's actually getting dumber as he transitions into his late teen years?

So, if one speech you post has no racism in it, that somehow dispels the possibility that there isn't another one that includes it?

But then I'm a communityorganizerist, so my deep-seeded prejudices may be blocking my comprehension.

Time to revive an old standby...doucheanthony
Got something to tell us Duke Chebus? (Sounds like a Sith name, lol)

Which one?


You say community organizer like it's a bad thing care to expound on that?

We already went through this entire exchange on community organizers. Do you forget the threads where you get destroyed that quickly or does it happen so often you just can't keep track?
We already went through this entire exchange on community organizers. Do you forget the threads where you get destroyed that quickly or does it happen so often you just can't keep track?

Funny what was your answer again?
Why are community organizers bad?
Funny what was your answer again?
Why are community organizers bad?

what the fuck does this thread have to do with that? Why are you constantly repeating yourself? Why do you sterotype people into groups? Please just go away your runining these forums by posting the same strawmans over and over, your not even capable of having a conversation on an adult level. I would say 'this is the worst thread ever' but thats not really fair cause its an exact repeat of every thread you have started, so I will go with 'tied for the worst thread ever'
what the fuck does this thread have to do with that? Why are you constantly repeating yourself? Why do you sterotype people into groups? Please just go away your runining these forums by posting the same strawmans over and over, your not even capable of having a conversation on an adult level. I would say 'this is the worst thread ever' but thats not really fair cause its an exact repeat of every thread you have started, so I will go with 'tied for the worst thread ever'

Must be inconvenient as Fuck trying to explain over and over again your false prophet Ron Paul is not a racist
He just looks that way
what the fuck does this thread have to do with that? Why are you constantly repeating yourself? Why do you sterotype people into groups?

he makes a good point when he calls out people who say "community organizer!" like it's some kind of smear. all he does is ask why they use it like a term of derision, at which point those using it as derision get all butthurt and flip out.

it's pretty hilarious, actually.

Cheesus, Duke, and Bucky sittin' in a tree K I S S I N G...

handjobs aplenty are involved as well.
he makes a good point when he calls out people who say "community organizer!" like it's some kind of smear. all he does is ask why they use it like a term of derision, at which point those using it as derision get all butthurt and flip out.

it's pretty hilarious, actually.

handjobs aplenty are involved as well.

In all fairness
One person did answer the question after being asked for almost 3 hours
That person chose his words carefully and has never used it as a term of derision again

Everytime I hear someone use the term "community organizer" I am reminded that it is code word for "stirs up the niggers"
They called Martin Luther King jr. a community organizer
At least the rednecks did
Must be inconvenient as Fuck trying to explain over and over again your false prophet Ron Paul is not a racist
He just looks that way

Ron Paul is not my prophet, I recognize Ron Pauls flaws and the problem with him, you obviously do not, you believe some bullshit media spin. So no I don't have to defend him, I have to defend philosophy, which is easy/convenient as fuck because statism and relgiosity make no god damn sense.

From a philosophical standpoint Ron Paul is largely correct. Aside from that no, he is not a revolutatiary nor a radical so no he is not in agreement with me on these terms, but as a Philosopher he agrees 100% with me because this is how he approaches the world. Ron Paul 2012!
In all fairness
One person did answer the question after being asked for almost 3 hours
That person chose his words carefully and has never used it as a term of derision again

Everytime I hear someone use the term "community organizer" I am reminded that it is code word for "stirs up the niggers"
They called Martin Luther King jr. a community organizer
At least the rednecks did

Oh look the biggest racist on the forums is talking about race again.
Ron Paul is not my prophet, I recognize Ron Pauls flaws and the problem with him, you obviously do not, you believe some bullshit media spin. So no I don't have to defend him, I have to defend philosophy, which is easy/convenient as fuck because statism and relgiosity make no god damn sense.

From a philosophical standpoint Ron Paul is largely correct. Aside from that no, he is not a revolutatiary nor a radical so no he is not in agreement with me on these terms, but as a Philosopher he agrees 100% with me because this is how he approaches the world. Ron Paul 2012!

Oh You recognize Ron Pauls flaws

Can you share them with us?
Oh You recognize Ron Pauls flaws

Can you share them with us?

Its a very long list. Here is a hint, it doesn't include racism and gold mining. I will give a few.

#1) The main flaw with libertarianism itself is that the limited government it strives for with maximum freedom eventually produces the same giant governments it is fighting against.
#2) He is a republican (enough said)
#3) Dr Paul thinks he can comprise and work with the authortarians, he thinks that he can get them to side with philosophy. Biggest flaw of all. Revolutainary actions aren't born from comprimise with authortarians.
#4) Again he comprimes to much to appease the zomibes, some revolution, especially during the campaign, I wish he would of been himself, some revolution.
#5) Once more, Not much a revolutionary, he is too light on anything. I wish he would talk more in depth about things and how we get to liberty but he just sticks to the philosophy guns and is really simplisitc, this doesn't really appeal to everyone and seems kind of bland, almost deceptive to certain types of people, like he is just pandering to republicans and is a typical politician. (I had my doubts before I reviewed his record)
#6) Not a great speaker, no very charasmatic.

Again thats just a few, I don't want to go on about this especially when you won't provide a decent response, but my main compliant is he is not much of a radicial or a revolutary at all. It is really just basic philosophy and he only touches on it which again makes me suspicious of him and initally made me incredibly suspicious of him untill I reviewed his records and thought about it myself.