Oh You recognize Ron Pauls flaws
Can you share them with us?
Its a very long list. Here is a hint, it doesn't include racism and gold mining. I will give a few.
#1) The main flaw with libertarianism itself is that the limited government it strives for with maximum freedom eventually produces the same giant governments it is fighting against.
#2) He is a republican (enough said)
#3) Dr Paul thinks he can comprise and work with the authortarians, he thinks that he can get them to side with philosophy. Biggest flaw of all. Revolutainary actions aren't born from comprimise with authortarians.
#4) Again he comprimes to much to appease the zomibes, some revolution, especially during the campaign, I wish he would of been himself, some revolution.
#5) Once more, Not much a revolutionary, he is too light on anything. I wish he would talk more in depth about things and how we get to liberty but he just sticks to the philosophy guns and is really simplisitc, this doesn't really appeal to everyone and seems kind of bland, almost deceptive to certain types of people, like he is just pandering to republicans and is a typical politician. (I had my doubts before I reviewed his record)
#6) Not a great speaker, no very charasmatic.
Again thats just a few, I don't want to go on about this especially when you won't provide a decent response, but my main compliant is he is not much of a radicial or a revolutary at all. It is really just basic philosophy and he only touches on it which again makes me suspicious of him and initally made me incredibly suspicious of him untill I reviewed his records and thought about it myself.