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Obama is a centrist authortarian.If you think Obama is a centrist, you need your big liberal head examined![]()
Obama is a centrist authortarian.If you think Obama is a centrist, you need your big liberal head examined![]()
There's no need to be insulting, he's a Socialist Kenyan Muslim, have some respect for his culture.Obama is a centrist authortarian.
Its a very long list. Here is a hint, it doesn't include racism and gold mining. I will give a few.
#1) The main flaw with libertarianism itself is that the limited government it strives for with maximum freedom eventually produces the same giant governments it is fighting against.
#2) He is a republican (enough said)
#3) Dr Paul thinks he can comprise and work with the authortarians, he thinks that he can get them to side with philosophy. Biggest flaw of all. Revolutainary actions aren't born from comprimise with authortarians.
#4) Again he comprimes to much to appease the zomibes, some revolution, especially during the campaign, I wish he would of been himself, some revolution.
#5) Once more, Not much a revolutionary, he is too light on anything. I wish he would talk more in depth about things and how we get to liberty but he just sticks to the philosophy guns and is really simplisitc, this doesn't really appeal to everyone and seems kind of bland, almost deceptive to certain types of people, like he is just pandering to republicans and is a typical politician. (I had my doubts before I reviewed his record)
#6) Not a great speaker, no very charasmatic.
Again thats just a few, I don't want to go on about this especially when you won't provide a decent response, but my main compliant is he is not much of a radicial or a revolutary at all. It is really just basic philosophy and he only touches on it which again makes me suspicious of him and initally made me incredibly suspicious of him untill I reviewed his records and thought about it myself.
I think there may be a fundamental difference between yours and my definition of leftie, could be a continental thing.Obama is about as left wing as George Bush or the Queen of England, if you think Obama is left wing you need your head examined
Must be inconvenient as Fuck trying to explain over and over again your false prophet Ron Paul is not a racist
He just looks that way
Must be inconvenient as fuck trying to explain how others are racist, over and over again, when you yourself have displayed quite a bit of racism.
Define a decent response
I am against Paul
Someone who I emailed repeatatly to run for office after the invasion of Iraq before i knew much about him
becuase now I know he is a lunatic and a racist
And if he isnt a lunatic he just plays one to garner support from the fringe electorate
Dude you do nothing but copy/paste, race-bait and fellate Obama.Examples please
Dude you do nothing but copy/paste, race-bait and fellate Obama.
Itd be harder to find an example where you make a point and do none of the above.
Examples please
Asking me "what would whitey lose out on" in regards to funding academic programs. That comment isn't the least bit racist, is it? Nor is it bigoted in the least...
You can't be serious, can you? Well, maybe you can be serious, because a bigot usually fails to recognize their own hypocrisy and ignorance. That's on you though, because no one else should be expected to solve that problem for you.
So can anyone here logically explain how diverting funds to academic programs that revolve around a specific race, is not racist?
Now imagine if the same government funded academic programs targeted towards "not-so-smart caucasians". Please tell me that's not racist, because it's just as racist as funding any other program on the basis of race.
And using the premise that there's an academic gap between races, in no way justifies racism.
Diverting funds from what programs
Can you at least tell me what the white students will lose out on?
In all fairness
One person did answer the question after being asked for almost 3 hours
That person chose his words carefully and has never used it as a term of derision again
Everytime I hear someone use the term "community organizer" I am reminded that it is code word for "stirs up the niggers"
They called Martin Luther King jr. a community organizer
At least the rednecks did
Originally Posted by ChesusRice
Do you have a problem with Obama being a community organizer?
What can you say that is bad about being a community organizer?
Other than the reality that most of them are race baiting, class warfare rhetoric spewing, LIBERAL douchebags that are either true believers in the suicidal, progressive agenda bullshit YOU believe in OR they are opportunistic scumbags ginning up fervor and support for their future political ambitions.
Which one is Obama? Why, he's the grand poobah. He fits like a condom into both categories.
Do I get to be called a communityorganizerist now?
Of course you do. It perfectly fits your narrative as a race baiter. So when did you stop beating your black wife?Loaded questions are fun, aren't they?
You are a racist because you support legislation that is limited to a racial group of people, excluding all others, like the Jim Crowe laws.
Obamas Biggest flaw is that he is a centrist
Which means he gets Hit from both sides
Doesnt look like I used the racially charged word "whitey" at all
You fail
Best belly laugh i've had in awhile.
So how do you love Obama so much, yet hate Nixon so much?governs to the right of nixon.
So how do you love Obama so much, yet hate Nixon so much?