what do David Duke and Louis Farrakhan and paulbots have in common?

"Well, evidence exists that he smokes weed, likes to shoot, admires the Constitution (hence the "terrorist" label), AND he speaks his mind to anyone who'll listen. This rebel-rousing, terrorist-thinking individual must be stopped before he harms someone!"

'paranoid talk. this is the stuff that turns me off from the paulbots as much as anything else.
'paranoid talk. this is the stuff that turns me off from the paulbots as much as anything else.

Naw man. Not paranoid. Thinking. Ahead. Prepared.

These are all things that have actually happened, granted on a VERY limited scale. BUT, they've happened.

Is it paranoid to bring blankets, water, oil, fuel, firearms, etc when traveling into the wilderness even for a "day trip"? No. It's being prepared. Is it likely you'll ever NEED those things? No.

But JUuuuusst in case.......
Naw man. Not paranoid. Thinking. Ahead. Prepared.

These are all things that have actually happened, granted on a VERY limited scale. BUT, they've happened.

Is it paranoid to bring blankets, water, oil, fuel, firearms, etc when traveling into the wilderness even for a "day trip"? No. It's being prepared. Is it likely you'll ever NEED those things? No.

But JUuuuusst in case.......

well, you just let me know when they indefinitely detain a stoner for his rawn pawl bumper sticker. i'd offer to make a friendly wager if we'll see such a thing in the next 100 years, with me betting on no. but the time frame is a bit long to track.
well, you just let me know when they indefinitely detain a stoner for his rawn pawl bumper sticker. i'd offer to make a friendly wager if we'll see such a thing in the next 100 years, with me betting on no. but the time frame is a bit long to track.

Well, we DO know that some LEO has been warned to be "on alert" when contacting the driver of vehicles showing support for Ron Paul. Personally, i think it's in their best interest if they are the "typical" right-stomping cop that we have all grown so accustomed to through Youtube and the media. They need to be on their toes. Never know when someone might assert their *GASP* Constitutional rights.
Well, we DO know that some LEO has been warned to be "on alert" when contacting the driver of vehicles showing support for Ron Paul. Personally, i think it's in their best interest if they are the "typical" right-stomping cop that we have all grown so accustomed to through Youtube and the media. They need to be on their toes. Never know when someone might assert their *GASP* Constitutional rights.

i remember what you're referring to, but i don't think it tells cops to be "on alert". another stretch if i recall correctly. i reserve the right to be proven wrong if you can find that document.

you still rocking it solo? dancing around in your underwear and drinking beer?
i remember what you're referring to, but i don't think it tells cops to be "on alert". another stretch if i recall correctly. i reserve the right to be proven wrong if you can find that document.

you still rocking it solo? dancing around in your underwear and drinking beer?

i probably won't find it right now. Partly because i'm rocking it solo, dancing around in my underwear and drinking beer :bigjoint:(oh yeah, and smoking my Snowcap).

What it did/does is tell leo that IF they encounter an RP supporter, to be aware that "these people"(sound familiar?) should be handled with caution and due diligence because they believe in not only the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution but the rest of it as well and could often harbor "anti-government" sentiments.

Why would they be afraid of me? :?::leaf:
i probably won't find it right now. Partly because i'm rocking it solo, dancing around in my underwear and drinking beer :bigjoint:(oh yeah, and smoking my Snowcap).

What it did/does is tell leo that IF they encounter an RP supporter, to be aware that "these people"(sound familiar?) should be handled with caution and due diligence because they believe in not only the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution but the rest of it as well and could often harbor "anti-government" sentiments.

Why would they be afraid of me? :?::leaf:

i'm smoking some somecrap. i lost track of the labels on my clones a few months back, flowered them anyway, but they got heat stressed badly. it prompted me to install the AC and pay the extra $100 worth of electric each month instead of growing crappy weed.

and it sounds like a case of profiling done right. RP supporters are known to love their guns and hate their government.
i'm smoking some somecrap. i lost track of the labels on my clones a few months back, flowered them anyway, but they got heat stressed badly. it prompted me to install the AC and pay the extra $100 worth of electric each month instead of growing crappy weed.

and it sounds like a case of profiling done right. RP supporters are known to love their guns and hate their government.

But why fear them? (i don't think they fear government. Just government overstepping it's boundaries)
But why fear them? (i don't think they fear government. Just government overstepping it's boundaries)

i think i already said why they might approach them with a healthy dose of fear: RP supporters are known to love their guns and hate their government.
i think i already said why they might approach them with a healthy dose of fear: RP supporters are known to love their guns and hate their government.

First off, RP supporters are known to love their Constitutional rights. This often, but not always by any stretch, means they love their right to bear arms.

To be accurate, we don't "hate our government", but rather fear it's abuse of the over-reaching powers it already holds.

i love my guns. Don't mean i'm gonna pop the cop that gets me for speeding.

AGAIN, why fear RP supporters?
First off, RP supporters are known to love their Constitutional rights. This often, but not always by any stretch, means they love their right to bear arms.

To be accurate, we don't "hate our government", but rather fear it's abuse of the over-reaching powers it already holds.

i love my guns. Don't mean i'm gonna pop the cop that gets me for speeding.

AGAIN, why fear RP supporters?

so an armed person, in fear of the government, is being approached by an armed representative of the government...what's not to treat with extra caution?
i think i already said why they might approach them with a healthy dose of fear: RP supporters are known to love their guns and hate their government.

I cannot think of any group of people on the web that loves guns more than the folks over at AR15.com

And for the most part

They hate RP supporters
I cannot think of any group of people on the web that loves guns more than the folks over at AR15.com

And for the most part

They hate RP supporters

Freedom and Liberty is what libertarianism and anarchism is all about so freedom to have arms is noe exception, but it is true you are more than likely a republican if you are a "gun lover" as in one of the types that are litterally obssesed with guns so much they don't go a day without packing several on their waste, one in their armpit, and another on their ankle.

Falls directly in line with Republican think, A key factor that seperates republicans from libertarians. Republicans believe that the world is full of evil people out to due harm so they think they need to be fully packing ar15's 24/7..Extreme exmaples: "Jihadist have infilitratred the highest levels of the government! Terrorist are barbarians! People can not be safe without the watchfull eye of AUTHORITY! Societ would descend into chaos and be raped and plundered from barbarian horde gangs of arabs! "

libertians and anarchist generally don't feel that way - we feel that every man has goodness in their heart.(how could you believe in individualism if you don't believe this unless you are a very selfish person)...

We don't feel that authority is needed or even morally justified. So no, we don't CLING to our guns so much, only for revolution :)
so an armed person, in fear of the government, is being approached by an armed representative of the government...what's not to treat with extra caution?

Treat him with common courtesy and ensure to not violate his rights and there wouldn't be an issue.
Again, refer to post #173 where "Red1966" quoted you stating "whitey".



You've lost all your credibility in regards to any race-based discussion. Carry on you silly little racist.

Again, refer to post #173 where "Red1966" quoted you stating "whitey".

Anyone can put stuff into quotes and I thought you and everyone else here was stupid enough to fall for it
I am a silly little racist.

Yeah I guess I am busted
Yeah I guess I am busted

You are busted.

Your bitch-like complaining must of got the mods to delete both of our posts after this one. I guess your crying did work in your favor, of further making you look like a clown.

Fact remains that you're still racist, and you got called out on it. BUSTED BIG TIME.

And since when is calling someone out on racism, a worthy enough of getting posts deleted? To whomever the mod is, I would expect that you could of gone and checked the post in reference to confirm what I had stated, was actually true. Maybe you can't? Maybe you didn't?

Slander is not truth. You got called out on the truth of what you actually said. Hence I'm not the only one who quoted you on saying such. Again Refer to "Red1966" on post #173 calling you out on exactly the same phrase. There is no slander taking place here, only the cold hard truth in exposing a racist.
Really, Dude??

Your post was deleted because you used offensive language, and called another member a dipshit.

So you post it again, like a butt-hurt teenager, who has been denied his "rights."

One question, how old are you really?
Really, Dude??

Your post was deleted because you used offensive language, and called another member a dipshit.

So you post it again, like a butt-hurt teenager, who has been denied his "rights."

One question, how old are you really?
He said he was 16 the first time he came on as dukeanthony and was banned. Now he's back.