What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

  • I don't believe a government should exist. That society would be better off without

  • Poor creation/execution of legislation

  • Incompetence/Inability/Ineptitude

  • Corruption

  • The authority of government: Executive orders v. Addressing Congress

  • The size of the government: Big v. Small

  • Efficiency of government

  • Racism/sexism/classism/other/etc.

  • Capitalism*

  • Other

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I voted other because the problem with the American Federal government is the very framework of that government. The founding generation set up a system that would be slow to work and nearly impossible to change. The set up a system in which power is shared between the Chief Exec, the Congress, the Senate, the Federal judiciary, and the states. This means that these power brokers war with each other, fighting for more power in the system, instead of governing.

All the founders wanted with the U.S. Constitution was a stronger judiciary that could help settled all of the founders' property disputes they had with one another.

The system was designed to perpetuate inertia--nothing gets done--and in the meantime, people keep doing business even if that business pursued weakens society over the long term.
Who takes the blame for that? A largely uneducated population. Sure, the majority of us can read, but how many of us do you think are thinking critically about the world around us on a daily basis and making our decisions accordingly?

A small minority.

Only 57% of registered voters showed up last November. 43% didn't care.

And of eligible voters, how many registered?

Of the 57.1% that actually voted, 46.1% of them voted for Trump.

Do the math, it's frightening. Most people are not informed or apathetic. Or believe Infowars, Breitbart, their neighbor, FB, etc. Or believe in conspiracy theories and lies. Or just don't care.

It's disgusting. Our government is selected by the dumbed down.

It's why I roll my eyes when you say we need more progressive candidates.
It's not that we don't, but look around out there at who you have to convince.
A swarm of idiots.
Public education has been underfunded and lacking for decades (muSt hav moer miltry moneys - BIGEST!), resulting in the 'alt-right movement', drumpf voters, and perpetual Fast & Furious movies.

Nobody here makes that connection. Need another four-wheeler to break your neck instead of making your kids smarter.

But Its my right to spend my money the way I want to. The hell with everybody.


Generation after generation of stupid and they wonder why city kids and immigrants are taking over. Damn libruls with there education.
corruption. the dichotomy that the majority of the American people participate in when in fact the Ds and the Rs are of the same coin and are deceiving the People. the oligarchy that controls the system. can i mention corruption twice?
Combination of money in politics, the voters being idiots, and corruption. If the voters weren't huge idiots we would have Sanders as president right now.
From a moral point of view, there are [only] two types of people in the world. People who believe in coercion when dealing with their fellow humans. And people who believe in dealing voluntarily with their fellow humans.
- Doug Casey Daily Dispatch, July 28, 2016.


A small minority.

Only 57% of registered voters showed up last November. 43% didn't care.

And of eligible voters, how many registered?

Of the 57.1% that actually voted, 46.1% of them voted for Trump.

Do the math, it's frightening. Most people are not informed or apathetic. Or believe Infowars, Breitbart, their neighbor, FB, etc. Or believe in conspiracy theories and lies. Or just don't care.

It's disgusting. Our government is selected by the dumbed down.

It's why I roll my eyes when you say we need more progressive candidates.
It's not that we don't, but look around out there at who you have to convince.
A swarm of idiots.

Please explain how more people wishing or believing in something that is illogical will make it somehow logical.

Also, your claim that 43% "didn't care" is spurious. It assumes that other possible explanations don't exist, when they clearly do.