Well-Known Member
Please explain
The voters are idiots.
The voters are idiots.
The voters are idiots.
The voters are idiots.
Public education has been underfunded and lacking for decades (muSt hav moer miltry moneys - BIGEST!), resulting in the 'alt-right movement', drumpf voters, and perpetual Fast & Furious movies.
Who takes the blame for that? A largely uneducated population. Sure, the majority of us can read, but how many of us do you think are thinking critically about the world around us on a daily basis and making our decisions accordingly?And if they weren't, money would have far less influence.
Who takes the blame for that? A largely uneducated population. Sure, the majority of us can read, but how many of us do you think are thinking critically about the world around us on a daily basis and making our decisions accordingly?
At least 43% aren't the stereotypical dumb American.A small minority.
Only 57% of registered voters showed up last November. 43% didn't care.
Public education has been underfunded and lacking for decades (muSt hav moer miltry moneys - BIGEST!), resulting in the 'alt-right movement', drumpf voters, and perpetual Fast & Furious movies.
naivecorruption. the dichotomy that the majority of the American people participate in when in fact the Ds and the Rs are of the same coin and are deceiving the People. the oligarchy that controls the system. can i mention corruption twice?
A small minority.
Only 57% of registered voters showed up last November. 43% didn't care.
And of eligible voters, how many registered?
Of the 57.1% that actually voted, 46.1% of them voted for Trump.
Do the math, it's frightening. Most people are not informed or apathetic. Or believe Infowars, Breitbart, their neighbor, FB, etc. Or believe in conspiracy theories and lies. Or just don't care.
It's disgusting. Our government is selected by the dumbed down.
It's why I roll my eyes when you say we need more progressive candidates.
It's not that we don't, but look around out there at who you have to convince.
A swarm of idiots.