New Member
The discussions on this forum section are becoming seriously banal.
If banal mean a smartass reply, followed by another smartass reply... then yes, sarcasm is the name of the game!The discussions on this forum section are becoming seriously banal.
I knew a guy that sniffed petrol (gasoline) and he said the visuals were awsome, but on the downside he felt an overwhelming sense of impending doom.....cant think why!
lol, yes he was (dead now) a strange type who would sniff anything that he thought would get him forked. Floor cleaner was another of his favorites.Sounds very safe!
he jumped off a cliff. He was a paranoid schizophrenic and on the night of his death was in a field with some sheep on a cliff top shouting 'come on lets all jump' while beckoning the sheep, several people witnessed it. Sad really...Mad Matt RIP.Just curious, how did he die?
Shrooms have that kind of power.. some may give you the giggles and some may terrify the shit out of you! Shrooms have the power of wisdom in them, they have some sort of omnipotence about them that give this spiritual twist to them out of any other psychedelic... even LSD! They are powerful and demand respect... if your point is to have a jolly good time then you lost the point and will mostly be grieving for the next 4hrs. Your psyche is not predictable and many people think the high is meant for one purpose when its solely NOT! Its not for your enjoyment, its for the sake of ANYTHING!Well been coming here for info for a while and just bumped into this post. I Would have to say without a doubt that the current strain of shrooms in my area have kicked everyones ass. First off, we were getting these smaller ones that made you laugh hard and just experience non-sense and what not, nothing too serious. But after about a year dry spell...we got a new connect with some fairly large shrooms (like 3-4 make up an 1/8th. idiots me and my guy who has never done them at all...ever...decided to test them before we told anyone else about them. Seriously worst trip ever that night lol...any way, a week later we decided to give it another go around with a group of 6 people. Just a quick background so you can kinda feel why i say theses things get my vote for the strongest....2 of the guys used to do dope(they are and have been clean for 3+ years) one of the others has eating shooms and acid more times that you can count, we had the newbie and me and one of my guys girlfriend. Long story short, We tripped so hard that we thought everyone we all knew had come over at one point during the trip, 2 people saw me telling pikachu to leave me alone and i remember seeing that stupid Pokemon trying to jump on my bed, we had adult swim on at one point, which got my guy and i talking "outside" in my yard to optimus prime somehow, and my shoes started melting to my feet, and at the peak it was so damn intense we all just wanted it to stop, even the seasoned "veterans". These visuals and audio were just amazing but tooooo intense. We all were pretty sure that we lost it. I mean seriously, the TV was off but we all watched the "10 o'clock news" and they were talking about us and the shrooms and just crazy crap... and everyone saw it.. Theres ALOT more that happened, but two dudes and the girl don't ever want anything to do with them again...the rest of us kinda let it burn for a bit... think we'll have them again, but not untill 2010....wish i could send ya'll some of these dumb things...way to's not right
High dose mushroom trips tend to be very entheogenic compared to other psyches!well i havent tried all psychedelics but with the ones ive tried ive had the most visuals with lsd and high doses of shrooms
Therefore, your saying it becomes more of a deliriant at the higher doses? More of an out of body experience!People continuously say high dose psilocin is the most powerful. Although it is up there it's not. Datura, Delerium, it lies therein.