what do you guys think is the most visual psychedelic?

This has not been conclusively proven.
As far as I know there is NO proven function of DMT in the body, although it is produced quite widely in organs.

Nor has it been disproven, it is our most educated guess at the moment scientifically.
This has not been conclusively proven.
As far as I know there is NO proven function of DMT in the body, although it is produced quite widely in organs.

Anyhow, dreams, and DMT voyages are like totaly diffirent... If I could dream like that.....

You are right, but they have found that REM sleep produces trace amounts of DMT in the pit center of your brain for a second then off to dream land. I wish i had some notes or research papers but i don't. If any1 does that would be helpful
i have ate strips of acid and over a quarter of mushrooms and still havent gone to another world (visually) like when i smoke salvia! i will never ever ever do it again either! Never tried dmt
"duh ... sorry ... didn't realize that it was exactly the same. So DMT is an extraction or a synthetic?"

Ayahuaca is just the form or concoction method... some in brew, some intranvenous, others intramuscarly, and in ayahuascas case orally due to the help of a MAOI ;)
Smokeing DMT after eating 3g of rue (peganum harmala)
It is also an MAOI of sorts but also much more, and it falls in the grup that requires no special diet.
then just n,n-DMT
Ayauasca is not as intense as DMT, but the duration is several hours which may make it a more traumatic experience for some, also it is less visual, but the longer time gives more time for slower visions.

That I'd say followed by the CEV of cannabis, sceletium and MDMA.
Then thirdly acid and shrooms (in fresh and high dose).yep I've seen mountains reshape and the sea inverting into an electric blue blanket, and streets break up and houses drift downstream on rivers of magma... but its still only 3rd.

There may well be a host of other synthetics and RCs that could be more visual.

I find salvia all fucked up on too many levels.
Smokeing DMT after eating 3g of rue (peganum harmala)
It is also an MAOI of sorts but also much more, and it falls in the grup that requires no special diet.
then just n,n-DMT
Ayauasca is not as intense as DMT, but the duration is several hours which may make it a more traumatic experience for some, also it is less visual, but the longer time gives more time for slower visions.

That I'd say followed by the CEV of cannabis, sceletium and MDMA.
Then thirdly acid and shrooms (in fresh and high dose).yep I've seen mountains reshape and the sea inverting into an electric blue blanket, and streets break up and houses drift downstream on rivers of magma... but its still only 3rd.

There may well be a host of other synthetics and RCs that could be more visual.

I find salvia all fucked up on too many levels.

DMT and syrian rue? Isn't that basically a ayahuasca brew your speaking of?
The strongest visuals for me come from high doses of mushrooms- 1/2 oz+

Having said that I had a high dose of BZP once and the world was a very strange place for a long, long time.
Please dont even mention bzp or tfmpp... nasty ass stimulant psychoactives that accompany a nasty body high for hours. Neither enlightening or enjoyable- just an aching persisting high, if you even want to call it that. I consider BZP a product of the government... just like salvia!
Salvia's kick ass.
Salvia is a step up from any BZP EUROPEAN crap.... I have enjoyed two odd experiences with SKA MARIA.. a very dissociative feel to it... a tunneling of vision and a persistent gravity pull that made my inclinations lean towards the fact that I was getting sucked into the toilet.... extremely hilarious... the experience was granted for another try ;)
Shrooms and coke.. if I was looking for a stimulant to jump in the game I would willingly accept ecstasy. Shrooms and coke just seems too bad in all levels!