what do you guys think is the most visual psychedelic?

true cause even people who can handle em tend to lose it over time if theyre not careful...but still its better than our current system of smoke tobacco and drink alcohol as much as you want but anything else and your fucked...its such bullshit, that and drug tests...as long as I'm not fucked up at work (and or not fucking up at work) then it shouldnt matter what i smoke snort ingest on my time off..

LMAO Interesting Idea. Probably couldnt have stimulants...
From what I understood they smoked the thc first when he had combined it with the pcp... but he says he had smoked thc by itself before aswell...ketamine is a pharmaceutical and idk if it comes in crystal form...I've asked him about if he was sure and even shown him the posts online from different forums but he insists he only had it for a short time and hasn't seen it since but he's sure it was thc but wasn't like the feeling you get from weed. maybe if there was a way to smoke marinol or pharmaceutical thc(i think that is marinol right?) you would get a crazy buzz but who knows...30+ years later its all hypothetical now sadly

So If He Had Done PCP And For Some Reson Thought That This Trip Which Is Obviously Very Similar To PCP Then He Could Have Had Ketamine. :-D
its only powder after you crush it but the picture of ketamine on erowid looked like it came in liquid...idk ill ask if he ever tried ketamine...i know it seems farfetched to you guys but i do believe he had thc...my question is why would it be so far fetched...why wouldn't someone(chemist) be able to extract the thc from pot...isolate and crystallize it...since I dont know shit about chemistry there could be a million reasons why...but i know thc is not water soluble...
if we could soak some weed in alcohol and then isolate the thc from the alcohol and restructure it from there...no clue how or anything close or if its possible but I don't see w hy it would be so crazy of an idea..we extract loads of other shit from loads of other plants. I could be fully off in my idea but I know thc is alcohol soluble so that would be my first step in getting the thc.
I saw that pic when I was doing research on it at school...Idkwtf any of t hat means or which thc i would wanna use...I'm not saying I could make it but someone probably could... but hey in the articl it says thc-v is at least as potent as lsd...from what my friend said it felt like lsd but a little better...not saying its proof guys but it just seemed coincidental....if you follow the links on bottom to the final condensation reaction it mentions something about filtering out crystals from the mother solution...to me all it says is that its possible...but that whole process seems hard as fuck.
..possibly not worth it for a chemist to risk making illegal or going to jail for.

I'm sure if someone was devoted they would have to isolate and remove each other compound from the extraction mix(?) before they were finally left with a final thc and then restructure it or something...chemistry way way way over my head but I mean all things are possible...anyone on here with an organic chemistry degree and a lab? o and the starter chemicals and shit? lol
no i know its just a strange comparison for them to make...when they meant potent in what terms did they mean?

o i been meaning to ask you: why the fuk do you keep getting banned? 15 screen names? or are you skipping roman numerals now? for the past few weeks now you keep getting more and more I know i think you said at one point you forgot your password but how do you forget it 15 times??? i'm just fukn with ya man but dam you got alot of usernames.
no i know its just a strange comparison for them to make...when they meant potent in what terms did they mean?

The effective dose for THC is 1/2000th g/kg

or, .5ug/kg

I weigh approximately 73kg's, so THC's effective dose would be roughly 36.5ug/.0365 milligrams/3.65 × 10-5 grams for me ;-)
So How Is JWH-018 More Potent If The Effective Dose Is 36.5 ug. Or Did I Miss Something. :-)

meh.. it's some bullshit that some dumb scientist came up with that prolly means THC does something in the body (not even becomes psychoactive) but just does something, ya kno?

JWH-018 hits the CB1/CB2 receptor stronger than THC does:

this kind of stupid shit:

Name: N-alkyl || CB1 Ki (nM) +/- x || CB2 Ki (nM) +/- x || CB1:CB2 Ratio

JWH-018 : N-pentyl || CB1 Ki: 9.00 +/- 2.94 || CB2 Ki: 2.94 +/- 2.65 || 3.06
JWH-019 : N-hexyl || CB1 Ki: 9.80 +/- 2.00 || CB2 Ki: 5.55 +/- 2.00 || 1.77
JWH-020 : N-heptyl || CB1 Ki: 128 +/- 17.0 || CB2 Ki: 205 +/- 20.0 || 0.62
I think its kind of unfair to compare some of these substances...
All are great, well nearly all.

I would have to state that I have not used ketamine or pcp, the second one especialy is on my list of no-nos
I am not realy into dileriants either, you know, things like datura etc... you can have those experiences with a good fewer.

You have to love acid for how it can warp/reshape reality into something completely diffirent. Same of the most beautifull hallucinations based on the real world, has been on acid, things like the sea inverting its colours to turn into an electric blue expanse, little round clouds makeing a spiral 10 miles wide at the top, houses drifting down the street in streams of red magma, 4m tall dogs dragging their owners along etc... lol, its priceless.

And a valuable tool in switching on I think something like 11 genes. Most involved with higher thinking, the stuff that diffirentiates you, from your cat. So appart from the trip you are also undergoing a physical change.

"LSD induces expression changes in a relatively small but important collection of genes. Many of these genes influence the way neurons change physically to alter functional abilities in the brain. At least one of the genes is involved in the process of growth and differentiation of various cell types, and has been shown to be necessary for memory consolidation. A common theme of many of the genes regulated by LSD is the process of synaptic plasticity. The genes that LSD affects may thus play an important role in learning and the storage of memories."

Man!, I should do some acid again, its been years, you gotta love how smart it can make you, assuming you launch from a good platform. But ultimately I would say that LSD is a "weak" halucigen, in terms of the imagery, its more like the stuff you see in dreams, than being a visual cortex hijack of the highest order. I am like a mad professor when I get acid in, it totaly makes me understand that stereotype... and how mad I get!!! It actualy gets embarasing when my wife starts talking about all the shit I got up to on acid....like hiding from a ufo invasion in a portapotty- while she had to guard the door.

But how could one compare that to the mental 3rd eye imagery of say DMT, when you no longer need the two eyes you normaly see with, but instead turn on the little one between your ears... nifty little chap that, can do the functions of all the other sense organs and more when activated.

DMT, well wow, still inconceivable to me that my brain can come up with what I see there. Substances, colours, smells sounds etc you can not even conceive of normaly. Its like you can stuff everything about our known universe in a dark corner in hyperspace, and you wouldn't even notice its missing, with all the shit going on. What is realy the best part of the experience is that your mind is basicaly in tact through the experience... relatively speaking.
What do you think is the average percent of THC in your average everyday mids.

To be honest I have no idea.. the tests that are not run by breeders/seedbanks show a lot of weed on par @ 10% thc, granted seedbanks claim 20's and higher.. without testing the weed (which I doubt they do) it is hard to say, a lot of the strength of weed comes from the other cannabinoids potentiating each other.. so it "feels like 20%" may be accurate, but to say "it is 20% thc" may not be.

You'd have to ask someone else bro ;-)
does that surprise you? you can eat all the goddamn food in a fridge with the right strain lol. ;-)
Funny You Should Mention Dreams When DMT Makes Dreams. :-D

This has not been conclusively proven.
As far as I know there is NO proven function of DMT in the body, although it is produced quite widely in organs.

Anyhow, dreams, and DMT voyages are like totaly diffirent... If I could dream like that.....