what do you guys think is the most visual psychedelic?

As much as i hate to say it, since its ebay, it actually does look pretty legit. He says you can choose where it was grown, and there isn't any negative feedback from anybody in the last year. All the comments also say quality product and one said it was weighed with some extra in it. I'm actually thinking bout going with some of this...maybe

thats what you must look at, the feedback. DO NOT buy from someone who has no feedback.
from what I understand the most hardcore trip a friend of mine had was shooting PCP and smoking crystal THC(don't wanna get into a discussion about whether or not this exists I trust my sources and there knowledge/first hand experience) Him and his friends were listening to music and the whole time his eyes were closed he kept getting hooked onto the music notes as they floated by and he kept pulling himself back off the notes and then finally he said fuck it and let go and poof him and his friends were back in there room finished tripping but that's my friends most hardcore trip...I'm looking forward to trying dmt in the next few weeks...

if you look around it's pretty easy to make or if u want pm me and ill send you a tek I found that someone who isn't me is gonna try to use when some free cash comes around...fairly simple compared to other types of extractions/synthesis
DMT if done right is supposed to fuck you up for 15 minutes in another world at like 50mg plus I believe...personally I can't wait to see this cool shit...I usually take 5-7 tabs of 'cid to get my baseline desired effects while most people need 2-3...i guess this new school weak (don't wanna give any1 bad trips) acid isn't even close to old school 70's acid...i think they've brought the original does per hit down to approx 20% of what it used to be... i think it used to be 1000 mics a hit...now its like 200-250 supposedly if even that much... I try to get as many visuals with the acid i can but shelling out dam near 80-100 bucks for a one night trip barely seems worth it anymore when a year ago 3 hits were fucking me up...the cost of moving up in the world of dosage
also trying salvia extract for the first time at 20x ... supposed to fuck you up for a few minutes and i hear thats pretty visually trippy...

also possible peyote as people have claimed to see god...but unless you come across some fresh peyote and know how to handle it you'll have to look for a member of the Native American Church as they receive the cactus regularly & legally...most eat it powdered but if you wanna be fucked up you take the fresh plant and cut out the center (pure arsenic or strychnine can't remember) and try chopping up the rest of the inside into little chunks and try soaking em in sugar or koolaid(for the bitter taste) and just try to swallow as many as you can but by the time you puke (you will puke from it) you'll be so fuckedu p for 8-12 it doesn't even matter you threw up...from what I hear it's a battle to swallow down the little chunks of peyote but becomes well worth it once you throw them back up lol...alot of work just to get fucked up but shit I'd be down to if it was available.

well he said i THINK it used to be 1000mics in a hit.... but heh yeaa.
i was just guessing on the lsd doses i didnt really consider the 1000 mics make up a mg but it was just an example of how the lsd around now is weaker... and as for the pcp i have no clue how much was shot... all i know is that these people were into hard shit all the time and weren't worried about living or dieing honestly...
as far as he knew (and hes pretty knowledgeable) he was smoking crystal T and was shooting pcp...the thc was crystalized but i believe he said the pcp was powder (probably a crushed pill)... he'd smoked crystal t multiple times during that course of time (few months- year maybe)

I don't want to argue about the thc thing...i've learnt from experience that the person im talking to is correct99% of the time so while it may not've beeN THC him and his friends were under the impression it was ...and he hasn't seen it or anything like it around in 30+ years...it would be 8 hours of being completely gone but as I said I never tried it. And he's been in this drug culture for 40 years now...so while noones ever heard of crystallized thc being around him telling me that he had it in like 1973 in ohio but since then it hasn't been anywhere at all, makes it seem like that's why noones ever heard of it but chemists can do some crazy shit and in the early 70s someone mightve figured out how to crystallize it and he maybe got popped...it wasnt water soluble though and had to be smoked (I know thc isnt water soluble, not exactly proof but a slight correlating detail)

off wikipedia lsd page: Typical doses in the 1960s ranged from 200 to 1000 µg while street samples of the 1970s contained 30 to 300 µg. By the 1980s, the amount had reduced to between 100 to 125 µg, lowering more in the 1990s to the 20–80 µg range.[11]

Idk what current doses are...it takes me 5+ hits to actually get a good buzz going and this is the only place I can find it... from everything I hear past lsd used to be 4x as strong so I'd only need maybe 1-2 hits. regardless my guess at 1000 actually isnt too far off from the levels wikipedia reported was around in the 60s. the biggest rumor i fucked up on was they peyote and i admit that. I just got slightly offended when told my own experiences are bullshit...

As for the n,n-dmt and 5-meo-dmt whats the difference? i thought i read if you don't do dmt extraction correctly it'll turn into n,n-dmt. I'm not experienced or too knowledgable just talking about what I had knowledge of. Idk what a regular does of 5-meo-dmt would be or if thats the white crystals people talk about when extracting dmt from MHRB. I don't see how i could've gotten someone killed by telling them peyote may have strycnine in it, if anything it would cause them to be more careful;)
if people could make crystallized THC in the 70's why wouldn't they be able to make it now?

wiki is not the best source for info on drugs.

ive tripped very hard from one hit and not tripped at all from others. it just depends who and where you get it from, theres always gonna be good and bad shit. my buddy just got some insane acid from bonnaroo in Tennessee and i got some BS gel tab in miami.
yea i agree totally one time i took 2 tabs and fell asleep 4 hrs later...i took 3 of the same and 1 of anyother type and i was feeling great for 10 hrs so its all subjective...i was just using it as a backup to my shot in the dark of 1000mics cause ihad heard that before...
as for the crystal thc i have no idea why its not around but you do find people on forums 1 out of 100 maybe that had tried crystal thc from back in the day while everyone else tells them they didn't. my rational is if he could identify every other type of drug and also be able to find them at a later date, why would he make this story up or compare it to being similar to other drugs. I gotta go with a trusted source of info just because of how consistent he's been in the past and even to this day...anything hes told me drugs or otherwise about something has been accurate so when he tells me he hasn't seen crystal thc and seperated from pcp and all this other shit he used to do than i take his word for it you know...he says to this day that the crystal t from 30 years ago was his favorite right next to weed..
if you take a drug by a different name but feel effects of something youve tried before you'd be able to identify it so if he tells me he aint seen this in 30 years doing all these different shit in the mean time and at the same time everyone here (most of which im assuming are between 15-40) would be almost too young to have seen it. it doesn't make sense to me either that they would've stopped making it... my assumptions on it are either the main people behind it got busted and the knowledge was lost with them...or you had one main person and he either decided to stop or it was too hard/not lucrative enough...i can speculate all day but all i know is from what he told me about this well i wanna try it... he told me by the time u put down the pipe your gone and you won't find your way out of the room for 8 hours. now this was his most memorable time on it so i'm sure doing either less or building tolerance allows for being able to maintain but he also said it felt like lsd but without the drymouth and the physical aspects....to me sounds like its fun as hell
started taking some bong hits and i was thinking and i was just thinking that back then if someone gets popped/died/out of business/etc then there was no internet or personal computers to save these ideas or send em to someone else...if i find anew method to do something and i go on a forum i can inform others on how to do it...but if your dealing in the 70s would you tell everyone how to make your product if your one of the rare few who can make it those few people go down the idea and knowledge can be lost forever...my question from there would be why wouldn't people try to find ways to do it...i mean look at meth you can throw a variety of mixes of chemicals to make it...i know the ingredients have changed a number of times over the past 40 years but there was also a bigger market for meth and alot more $$ to be made from so i would assume if someone had the drive/ingenuity/know how and equipment to do so it would've been done ...i'm trying to do some research at school so if i find out some way to get some chemistry insight into C21H30O2 (THC) maybe they'll gimme some hints and not realize what chemical it really is...ill let you know...

o i also heard that if you do enough speed (extremely massive) that you'll have the most realistic hallucinations you'll ever have... now i've done a good amount of speed at times but besides starting to get shadows in your peripheral w hen you've been up for while I've never seen real hallucinations I've heard it MAY be possible....maybe a rumor or myth, definitely not from my experience but have you guys ever heard of speed hallucinations?
Some people just need to stop while they are ahead..

"he was smoking crystal T"

More than likely, bullshit.

"i think it used to be 1000 mics a hit"

Most definitely bullshit

"off wikipedia lsd page:"

Need I say anything? Wikipedia can have articles written by anyone as long as they write in a way that is appropriate for that article.

"Idk what current doses are...it takes me 5+ hits to actually get a good buzz going and this is the only place I can find it... from everything I hear past lsd used to be 4x as strong so I'd only need maybe 1-2 hits. regardless my guess at 1000 actually isnt too far off from the levels wikipedia reported was around in the 60s. the biggest rumor i fucked up on was they peyote and i admit that. I just got slightly offended when told my own experiences are bullshit..."

JUST STOP ALREADY DAMNIT! A good hit even for the '60s was MAYBE MAYBE 300ug's! Ever heard of White Lightning?

White Lightning
Years produced: 1966-1967
Dosage: 270ug

"have you guys ever heard of speed hallucinations?"

Give yourself amphetamine psychosis, it's a brilliant fuckin' time..

"if people could make crystallized THC in the 70's why wouldn't they be able to make it now?"

I made a reference to ALD-52 when you first mentioned Pro-Lad ;-). something along the lines of, I hope after taking all the time and work to synthesize Pro-Lad it doesn't decompose like ALD-52 ;-)
I know i'ts not getting me anywhere but like I said the guy used to pcp ...he said there was a difference between the two. I'm not gonna try and prove it to you but I can't imagine confusing 2 different drugs when he was using both.

Oh yah, Chrystal T is a nickname for PCP from what I hear.


The comment about stumbling out of the room not remembering anything sounds very much like PCP and nothing like THC.
Ever go to drink like a cup of water or soda and think you're about to get a glass of milk? Or think you're gonna get some milk and really get orange juice? Ya kno lil fuck ups that make ya shake it's so nasty at first..

You tell yourself it's one thing, when it's really another, and it's similar to a placebo effect.. it becomes what you want it to be instead of what it really is ;-)
I had typed a pretty long post but hit quote on another and lost it...i just want to point out I never claimed to know any dosages of lsd...I gave a # i had heard but never claimed it was accurate and i only used wikipedia as an example of why I thought that was a dosage...I never tried to say it as fact, I couldn't I wasn't alive in the 60s.

as for the meth; amphetamine psychosis usually (not always) only comes on after long-term use of the stimulant where as the hallucination I was talking about would've been a 1 time dose...I have not seen it so I can't vouch for it but I'm not recommendin meth to any1 since most people fuck up on it, but the OP was about psychedelics and even on erowid it lists under neutral effects visual and audio hallucinations... this would probably take one ridiculous amount of speed and would most likely not be a good idea but it was just something I remembered hearing once about speed and erowid backed me up...

As for the thc I can't prove something without tangible proof and just because I trust someone's knowledge of a subject gives you no reason to. I understand that completely but that doesn't change me believing what my friend told me...he's done more shit than I can even imagine and I believe him...it's pointless for me to argue on it because you have no reason to accept my friend's story... but if I ever find some way of proving it I'll let you guys know...

side question: do you guys ever wish you could record what you see when your tripping and watch it later...like a camera for your internal eye.ti know its impossible but just think about if we could that...i think it'd be cool
as for the meth; amphetamine psychosis usually (not always) only comes on after long-term use of the stimulant where as the hallucination I was talking about would've been a 1 time dose...I have not seen it so I can't vouch for it but I'm not recommendin meth to any1 since most people fuck up on it, but the OP was about psychedelics and even on erowid it lists under neutral effects visual and audio hallucinations... this would probably take one ridiculous amount of speed and would most likely not be a good idea but it was just something I remembered hearing once about speed and erowid backed me up...

side question: do you guys ever wish you could record what you see when your tripping and watch it later...like a camera for your internal eye.ti know its impossible but just think about if we could that...i think it'd be cool

Some people consider minor trails hallucinations, mind you ;-).

I wish I could do that almost every fuckin day! I would make the most ill movie in the world! lol
that's like accidentally doing a line of coke when you meant to smoke a joint. I concede I can't prove it to you guys but what he told me was the pcp was a white powder and the "thc" was crystal it wasn't named crystal T...it was crystals. it would be hard to confuse the 2 since he said he would shoot the pcp but since the thc wouldnt dissolve in water he used to have to smoke it.
I mean what else can I say besides what I was told. I understand you have no reason to believe me without having any evidence but I can only tell you what I've heard and what I know.

Ever go to drink like a cup of water or soda and think you're about to get a glass of milk? Or think you're gonna get some milk and really get orange juice? Ya kno lil fuck ups that make ya shake it's so nasty at first..

You tell yourself it's one thing, when it's really another, and it's similar to a placebo effect.. it becomes what you want it to be instead of what it really is ;-)
fuck a minor trail...you could practically get that from staring at the wall or pressing on your eyes when theyre closed...naw I was told some major shit but it only happened once and never again.

I'll collaborate with you on that movie...that would be so much fucking fun

Some people consider minor trails hallucinations, mind you ;-).

I wish I could do that almost every fuckin day! I would make the most ill movie in the world! lol
fuck a minor trail...you could practically get that from staring at the wall or pressing on your eyes when theyre closed...naw I was told some major shit but it only happened once and never again.

I'll collaborate with you on that movie...that would be so much fucking fun

You're damn right you could get that staring at a wall! But let's exclude people who do psychedelics, who when they wave their hand in front of their face see a trail.. that's like "WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED! SICK!!!" and that is categorized as a hallucination, not saying more intense hallucinations are not possible..

Hell yeah, a collaboration between some euphoric happy trippy movie and some dark trippy scary shit! With 'FX' that blew you out of your mind haha
that post was pretty good...after reading it I think I understand why out of all the times I've tripped...the second time i did it with 2 tabs was the most amazing experience I've had. I understood the universe and shit I saw music visualizations on t he wall.. I loved it...now I take 5,6 or 7 and I get something but not the same as that time. Everything just made sense lol...I guess I still get that mental trip partially but the 2nd time I tried it was just the greatest lol...F***ng drug-war and BS rules on psychedelics...you should be able to take a test and if you pass you're allowed to do a certain genre of drugs..a test for stimulatnts, a test for downs, a test for hallucinogens...but every1 can get weed free...that would be cool shit, bring druggie responsibility to a whole new era.