what do you guys think is the most visual psychedelic?

personally you cant beat magic mushrooms, i ate about 1/2 once of columbian and 1/2 once of hawien and never saw the planet earth for 8 hours pretty cool, but i wouldnt recommend listening to hardcore and hardstyle, fuck me! couldnt change the tape,
If Datura is much like Jimson Weed... I rather soak them in alcohol, in a glass coca-cola (the vintage kind) bottle, much like a message in a bottle down the Pacific.. and may hope that one of the natives finds it, and drinks the elixir of pergantory!
I gotta say I've tried many a psychedelic...Shrooms, LSD, mescaline, DMT, 2C-B, 2C-E, 2C-I, DOB, DOM, DOI, LSAs, 4-Aco-DMT, MDA, and DiPT and nothing even compares to the time I dropped 15 hits of the best acid I've ever had. Pure beauty and crazyness. God I miss lucy...
I don't normally think muchof it, but salvia fucked me up good last night hey.
was very visual but in a way so far diffirent from DMT.

I was trying to speak at one point, and lo and behold, the room was my mouth, and I could only speak by flapping the room open like a pair of lips seen from the side...
Worst of all the salvia totaly snuck up on me, after the 4th pipe... the first few trips was mellow. The last time it got me so well i had no idea what or where I was, allthough it did apear a bit like being on the set of a children's program, on account of all the colours. I had no idea who I was or what happened to me, and felt xtremely vulnerable, as it is basicaly impossible to make sense of the world for a few minutes.

Then came the opium like daze (which has to be the second best part of the salvia experience. Not wanting the evening to stop, we hit up some glasslike recrystalised DMT shards.
OMG, did the salvia make that a smooth hyperspace jump. It came on so smooth, I was jusabout to complain that it was doing noting to me, when it hit me like a passing concord.
Total state of disassociation with anyone or anything in the room, just dropped into the most comfortable mindspace imagineable. With awesome visuals, it was 2 hours later before we were back to base level.

I just want to leave the warning out there for beginner trippers to stay the hell away form salvia. It took me the experience of hundreds of trips not to hurt myself or anyone else last night... and I'm and experienced tripper
It sneaks up on you larger than life and with the stealth of an LSD rush. I rememeber at one stage I thought I had a physical fight with the people in the room, allthough it apparently just happpened in my mind.. just adding to the confusion... Me appologising for hitting people, and they saying I never got out of my chair.

I still can't believe how that stuff nailed me this time. I'll definatley be doing it again just now, just so you know... its not a negative experience, well, actualy it was last night, but it was also very significant in showing me my current mental makeup and state, by literaly breaking my brain and world for a few minutes... And this was smokeing mainly plain leaf with a few bits of 10x mixed in.
dmt hands down.
acid, mushrooms and the 2c family cannot even begin to compare.
although, dmt produces more of a vision/trance rather than hallucinations.
I see that the most poweful hallucinogens are the most non-recreational substances... something that effects the brain in such a way doesnt even hit the core of serontonin!
DMT at times can be recreational... one of my friends was smoking the glass pipe a few times a day... thats how much she fell in love with dmt.

I see DMT not as a deliriant as it doesnt affect certain chemicals in the brain that causes delirium. The visual state is much different in my opinion when compared to Salvia Divonorum. DMT possibly has the strongest visuals that superimposes a different a tone, color of reality... as salvia or datura downgrades the perception or visual state, but is a total mind state.
lol.. I'm here don't worry. The schedule is getting busier and busier, unfortunately.