What Do You Like To Do When You're High?


Well-Known Member
jerking my meat to denise austin, eating cheetos naked, collecting and organizing stamps, wearing a spock costume and watching star trek. quantum physics, knitting cat sweaters, kicking pigeons, yelling at my old mother with a megaphone, rollerskating in spandex, play with my hamsters while listening to rammstein. lounging in my tightey whiteys and opening the door to talk the mail woman. spray on tanning, dutch ovening myself and the dog. making boots for my dog. doing stuff bear grylls does, but only in my basement, like when he was in the desert and drank piss out of a hollow snake skin. making ships in a bottle, smoking rock and meth and making cat condo's. imagine i have friends and have imaginary keggers with ice tea. thats pretty much it for a typical day and getting high.

haha, great post.. so that's what you do on wednesdays. what about the rest of the week?


Active Member
usually get baked and sit for a bit and usually have a fat giggle and take the piss for a while. then if we dont have food with us go to the chippy or something of food nature and munch and munch.

then after a munch roll a few more (depending on time and how we feel) smoke them untill well untruely baked and usually go home and munch some more and then sleep

thats it usually some other stuff happens too but its short an sweet


Active Member
man i like to jsut chill out maybe watch a film good cheech and chong or a friday maybe a how high depends wot mood. then i like to get my munch on i dont like nuffin to physical because it makes me feel like im working.. damn im a lazy bastard


Well-Known Member
Basically what i like to do is bake at some ones house then make like an adventure trip all round my town to get something to eat. Then go back to some ones house again and watch tv listen to music, then head home to go to sleep


Active Member
sex,listen to music,watch a trippy movie, more sex,more smoking,eat,bullshit with people,winamp visualizations..
sex,music and food are 20 times better to me high


Active Member
I'm trying to think of something I don't like to do while I'm high...
i do everything high
i have to be at work at 7am mon-fri
i smoke a bowl on my bong at 630
I most definitely agree with Pinay on this one, I love waking up and smoking a bowl with my morning coffee before I get ready for work

Senor SmokeAlot

Well-Known Member
i like to drive,smoke and listen to some good music, also like to have sex,watch funny/trippy movies/show. i also tend to go to barnes and nobles or boarder and just read mags for hours,lol and never buy one. oooooo i've only done it like 2 or 3 times but smoking,get real high and go to an amusment park,6 flags in my area. then get on som bad ass roller coasters. hell yea always a good time

Bomb Tree

Active Member
Well generally, I get really, really high, then I fuck around for a bit, then smoke more like 3-4 times. Then I make some food, then I find something to do for a few hours.

So I got to go make some food peace.

Deep Mind

Active Member
I like to sit in a tent with my mates and hot-box it, bring my portable CD player listening to music like Cypress Hill n Beatnuts, some good stuff.. I like going to Mcdonnalds and muching away on some Mcflurry and Cheesburger, which reminds me of when just a small group (Me, mate allon, and dan) was sat in mcdonnalds fucking trippy and monging n shit, some womman went up to make an order and got asked "would you like to place an order" she was a fatty, just stood then and said "ummmm... Cheese-Buuurga" the way she said it fucking pissing ourselfs.. Ohh good times..


Well-Known Member
some womman went up to make an order and got asked "would you like to place an order" she was a fatty, just stood then and said "ummmm... Cheese-Buuurga" the way she said it fucking pissing ourselfs.. Ohh good times..

ha ha ha ha


Active Member
#1 thing I like to do while baked is go fast, as fast as i can possibly go, cars, street bikes, dirt bikes, utv's, anything as long as it has an engine and goes fast. Nothing like a little adrenaline to with my high.

other then that this is how my day's go by.

wake up
scratch my ass
load the bubbler
take a shower
get a cup of coffee
finish getting ready for work
go to work
bullshit people
sneak to the back room
burn a bowl
bullshit some more people
go to lunch and munch out
again bullshit more people
burn a :joint: on the way home
bullshit my girlfriend when i get home
cook dinner (eat some while cooking)
smoke after dinner with the woman
play some video games with the woman
smoke the bubbler
watch tv
fool around with the girlfriend
take a shower
go to sleep

then wake up and go it all again the next day.